Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] when it " in BNC.

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1 For many of us it was a huge disappointment ; a paradox , too , that a people who had proved themselves historically and geographically over and over again , who had shown a rare talent for managing the affairs of other people , should choose to chicken out when it came to managing their own .
2 After all the excitement of a major event a time of exhaustion and deflation tends to set in when it is over .
3 Then sit back , relax , and just take it easy , you wo n't have to go out when it 's all wet and breezy .
4 ‘ This guy got fed up with it , threw his skis over one ridge and started to climb over when it collapsed .
5 I got up quickly , as I had n't really started to drop off when it went , and ran down to get there before my father .
6 Gen. Francisco Sánchez González , the Chief of Police , was named as Bernal 's replacement but was forced to step down when it was revealed shortly afterwards that the police payroll had been inflated by the inclusion of " phantom " policemen .
7 She always likes to go there when it 's birthdays and things like that , special occasions .
8 Those who already sail have an exciting time trying to stay upright when it 's really blowing .
9 Those who already sail have an exciting time trying to stay upright when it 's really blowing .
10 Here it suffices to say that the aim is to ensure that a company is required to do so when it is thought that the matter is one that the public needs to know .
11 For a moment or two Billy was too relieved even to ask what he was doing in the house , or how he 'd managed to get in when it was all locked up .
12 Mind you , no-one volunteered to stay inside when it was .
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