Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet saying aloud to each other 's face , ‘ We do n't want to remain together in the next life ’ would amount to saying , ‘ No love ever existed between us , and no love exists between us now . ’
2 Well you do n't want to go out in the car so stop and do a bit of painting .
3 Course it worried Ange look cos she do n't want to go back in the office like last time .
4 When the doctor had gone , Dot said , ‘ I got to go back in the hospital , ai n't I , Mrs H ? ’
5 It 's reassuring to know that even beautiful actresses worry about what they 're gong to wear to go out in the evening .
6 HEAVYWEIGHTS , it is said , take a while to mature but tend to remain longer in the sport .
7 I had arranged to go out in a crab boat to get JTR 's coastal sketches .
8 Senior Ukraine officials held heated talks in Sevastopol yesterday with fleet leaders and agreed to meet again in the future .
9 It is more like a slow process of sifting , in which , by a long series of stages , and with many pauses , grains of one kind tend to come together in a heap ’ .
10 You do not want to find out in the interview itself that the skirt rides up disconcertingly high when you sit down or that the front gapes open when you lean forward to talk .
11 The therapist also suggested that Pamela should tell her parents more about what she was doing ; for example , what time she planned to come home in the evening .
12 Nearly all children want to go out in the snow and , if they are suitably dressed , they can have many mathematically rewarding experiences as well as lots of fun .
13 Lahaina 's sponges can be folded or rolled to go anywhere in the filter .
14 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
15 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
16 Students appear to acquire more in the way of fluency than accuracy :
17 Despite being part of a happy close-knit Jewish family , Alison could n't wait to go out in the world to do her own thing .
18 M F I traditionally has a stronger second half cash flow and net borrowings are expected to fall further in the second half of the year .
19 veteran cars , who wants to , who wants to drive around in an old Ford Poplar of of twenty , twenty five , thirty years ago ?
20 As er as you can imagine , it 's a very difficult task , nobody wants to go up in the region , it has malaria , it 's dangerous , it 's it Transportation is difficult .
21 In his home town , Mr Edwards is a noted singer and says that he wants to go down in the programme as performing a selection of songs from Carousel and also Holy City .
22 You want to stand out in the assessor 's mind but not as an insensitive bully trying to throw your weight around .
23 When this bout of unemployment is over , or when unemployment is declining , we must avoid children leaving school with no idea of the skills that they will need to work properly in the jobs that they will want , and in the jobs that will be available .
24 They went away thanking her for her help , and promised to come back in a few weeks ' time when Bruno 's booster injection was due .
25 For all the enigmas in his career , Wojciech Jaruzelski seems himself to be the prototype of what the USSR has come to trust most in the Polish military outlook .
26 He has to work hard in the fields .
27 Over Adam 's shoulder , she watched as the couple moved to stand together in a quiet corner , deeply engrossed in each other .
28 Nor can democracy be expected to work smoothly in a society with rigid divisions , producing a permanent majority and a permanent minority .
29 One business source said : ‘ He has a low base salary and he has to stand out in the sun a great deal longer before he gets a bonus at the oasis .
30 Ask him if he will wants to come down in a minute .
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