Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We discussed preparation of the lines in Chapter Three , so all we want to emphasise now is that you remember to take a stake ( preferably fitted with a brightly coloured flag so that you do not lose it , or tread on it ) and that the line ends have swivel connections of adequate strength .
2 The point on which I want to concentrate here is that during the last two centuries changes in the law and in employment policies progressively have excluded both the youngest and the oldest generations from the labour market , and therefore from the means to support themselves through earning wages .
3 What Marx wants to stress here is that although Germanic tribes form quite large groups of people they do not form any kind of community with communal property , as was the case in the ancient city states ; they are merely ad hoc agglomerates .
4 What I want to argue now is that there is a sense in which the symptom of this pessimism exist in the movement itself .
5 ‘ The message we want to get across is that we are here , so please come and see us , ’ said Mr. Barnes .
6 I think the the concept I want to get across is that the design of the application does not constrain the way that you implement , firstly a client server technology and secondly the use of your chosen relational database management system .
7 What I want to say now is that you are my mum and you feel like my mum again .
8 Again , the point I want to make here is that the perceptual , cognitive understanding of the expression of emotions in non-verbal ways from pictures , cards , etc. is very different from the expressions of the materials with one 's own hands or face or body ( p. 320 ) .
9 One senior Hong Kong government official told New Scientist : ‘ One of the things we hope to find out is whether the system can be fiddled .
10 All they 've got to go on is that she spent a lot of time lying on the sofa , and that 's hardly unusual for a lady in her time and circumstances .
11 What I would like to suggest here is that the Buid view aggressive conduct as a sort of moral infirmity requiring explanation in much the same manner as does a physical infirmity .
12 The principle I would like to put forward is that if we are gon na place
13 I think basically what I 'd like to say today is that I personally agree with what Ida 's saying that it is an attack on the Health Service , and it is the greatest achievement that the Labour Party has done in history in my opinion .
14 I think what is going to happen here is that you 're just going to get one mega-jam round about this region from about Hanger Lane onwards because there 's nothing really you can do about it .
15 Stated generally , the fundamental rationale he offers for having to do so is that he , either himself or as the agent of society , knew better than the patient what should be done to or for the patient .
16 Right One of the things that er we try to pass on is that you 'll pick up a lot of information which may not be relevant to you but may be relevant to members of your family or friends .
17 What we have tried to show here is that in this respect linguistic behaviour conforms to the same principles as the other patterns of social behaviour that have been studied by anthropologists .
18 What I wish to indicate here is that a new emphasis on a text 's negotiation with history does not allow us to reduce literary texts to the status of documents , writing which only exemplifies the preoccupations of certain periods past and present .
19 What I was trying to say earlier is that Gary Speed IS playing tomorrow .
20 The point , however , we wish to make here is that , from whatever source the teachers are drawn , their work with adult students should be regarded as university work ; the Professor of English should make it part of his duties to keep in close touch with them , periodical meetings of the tutors and the Professor , for the interchange of ideas and the discussion of problems should be held — in short that the extension and tutorial classes should be regarded as an integral part of the English Department .
21 Of course the first thing we have to find out is whether your heart is in it ? ’
22 One of the items Unix System Labs and Adobe still have to sort out is whether to make Type Manager retroactively available to SVR4 licencees .
23 What we have to decide here is that you think is a is a
24 But what we have to notice here is that it can not be right for mere historical description either : as there is no such thing as a uniform language or dialect ( and standardization implies uniformity ) , and as sound-changes do not proceed in straight lines , this can not possibly be an adequate conceptualization of English phonological history .
25 You have already set up a LIFESPAN Process VMS account ( Section 1.2.2 ) ; the only decision you need to make now is whether to run all LIFESPAN Processes on the same UIC , or to have separate UICs for each process .
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