Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 I did not want to find out if it was friendly .
2 It is the only castle I have been to which has a front doorbell , which you need to pull on if you want to see round since it is not automatically open to visitors .
3 We 're the one 's who unashamedly say , Europe has to go forward if it does n't go backwards .
4 As I changed from listening to walking mode , I tried to work out whether it had feet or flippers or ran on rollers .
5 We might for example want to find out if it 's freezing outside without going outside to feel directly how cold it is .
6 The first pruning after planting is the important formative prune — the plant can not be expected to grow right if it does not start right .
7 what , what I propose to do anyway if it 's agreeable to you
8 If the stake can not take the strain and goes at the ground level weak spot , the plant stem has to bend sharply where it is trapped between its firmly-held root and the bottom tie .
9 Processes such as DVI , for example , will need to improve radically if it is to provide acceptable video at HDTV standards .
10 For many of us it was a huge disappointment ; a paradox , too , that a people who had proved themselves historically and geographically over and over again , who had shown a rare talent for managing the affairs of other people , should choose to chicken out when it came to managing their own .
11 They seek to come here because it is a nice place .
12 Under that section , the constable would be empowered to seize only if it is ‘ necessary ’ to do so in order to prevent the evidence being concealed , altered , lost or destroyed .
13 A lot of people just think by definition the world is going to carry on as it is today , but it does n't .
14 We 've got to go away before it 's too late . "
15 I 've got to go now as it 's time for me to get my new dresses fitted .
16 After all the excitement of a major event a time of exhaustion and deflation tends to set in when it is over .
17 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
18 ‘ You mean you 're going to help even if it kills me ? ’
19 Er but anyway , discretionary management can cost a lot of money , erm but you 've got to weigh up whether it 's actually worth it .
20 I did n't really look at him , though I immediately smelled alcohol on his breath , and thought , that firm is n't going to last long if it 's sending out drunken drivers to pick up clients .
21 His father told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life , but he was finally persuaded to do so because it was pointed out to him that if the British Army did not send back the Cossacks , the Soviets would not send back British POWs .
22 Erm , the kid 's got to figure out if it 's going to use that to project the other sentences then it might come across it 's got to , it 's got ta decompose that into structure .
23 No on really knows how a wine is going to turn out until it is bottled — even then , claret 's development is notoriously fickle .
24 But insurers have agreed to pay out if it is discovered in future that procedures which would now be classified as benign are found to cause environmental damage .
25 ‘ And sitting on a wrecked pod that 's going to blow up if it does n't blow away first is just way too safe for me .
26 He looked at it as his forearm began to slide inwards after it ; the wall perfectly seamless , with no sign of irruption , no disturbance to its surface .
27 With such a commitment , McDonnell-Douglas may then decide to pull out if it concludes that the industry is not big enough for three profitable producers .
28 And here , we began to wonder aloud if it would n't be preferable , in the long term interests of America 's domestic car makers , to leave the planned invasion of Europe to MPVs , luxury cars and convertibles .
29 Disposal of our domestic rubbish is something we tend to forget about once it 's been picked up by the dust-cart .
30 My life is set to go on as it always has and no war can change it that I can see . ’
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