Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [conj] [vb infin] us " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Father always kept in touch with Peter and he planned to come and see us when he got leave from France , where he was stationed .
2 Hello do you want to come and join us ?
3 We 'll just looking at the big book together do you want to come and join us ?
4 Now what I 'd like to do today is to erm take you round the house in a moment or two , see what you think of it and really to treat this as something whereby you see if you want to come and help us .
5 ‘ Ideally , I like to allow enough time so I do n't need to rush and make us both tense .
6 You 're going to try and help us then are you ?
7 A year , a month , and a day on from our first meeting , the 18–30 group is holding a welcome event for all those who would like to come and meet us and find out more about the group , and maybe throw your ideas into the pool .
8 So , if any of you would like to come and see us at the salon we will both be there and very happy to see and answer any of your questions .
9 Already stratagem has worked , in that 3 ladies ( not beautiful Brazilian brunettes ! ) have offered to come and cook us a meal next Wednesday — a Japanese meal which sounds like a mixture of harakiri and kamikazi , but I hope it will taste nice as the person cooking it is Japanese — there are lots of Japanese in this part of Brazil .
10 ‘ Are n't you going to stay and watch us win the prize ? ’
11 We need some of the younger , newly retired to come and join us in the fight to restore the dignity and security that should be there for everyone in the autumn of their lives .
12 Polite advisory letters , relatively minuscule fines , and short prison sentences leave corporations licenced to continue and leave us , as Dylan advised , with heads buried deep in our rags .
13 The screws kept coming to try and get us out , sweet-talking us all nice and that , but we would n't come out .
14 Lakes and mountains , beaches and islands , friendly hotels and Renaissance grandeur , there is honestly so much that you will simply have to come and see us year after year .
15 You 'll have to come and see us again some time .
16 Oh do you have to sing and give us all a headache
17 Most of us must reluctantly concede and admiration for the way the Japanese do things , but even they make some remarkable cock-ups , which can serve to cheer and instruct us when we consider our own inadequacies .
18 Writing on ‘ The Fall of the Roman Empire and Its Lessons for Us ’ one author had already struck the easy notes of comparison in 1898 — the decline of the arts of soldiery and manliness , the financial oppression of the middle classes , subsidised food prices , bread and circuses ( that is , football ) and the recruitment of the barbarian ‘ lower races ’ into the imperial armies were all listed as forces ‘ which may tend to enervate and degrade us , to destroy our love of truth , to poison the fountains of family life ’ .
19 Pornography serves to divide and contain us .
20 Cosmas and Damien 's murders are meant to torture and punish us as well as unnerve and divert us from our true mission .
21 The Society 's slot at the Barbican Festival is at 2.15 p.m. on Sunday 28 May Do come — Dressed to work and support us in the ‘ Come and try it ’ session and cheer the NDT on .
22 ‘ They are trying to humiliate and belittle us .
23 Well you look as if you 're raring to go and show us what you can do , so I 'll give you a push up and away you go .
24 ‘ I would have thought that he , as local MP , would have managed to come and visit us , even though he is busy . ’
25 He said to Mariana , ‘ I need to try and get us a little further north . ’
26 Why should he be lying asleep when I 'm working to try and save us ?
27 ‘ With that I have to feed and clothe us , pay rent and bills , and save up for extras , like presents .
28 Most importantly , we need to avoid situations where the horse is likely to express its aggression towards us , at least until the horse has learnt to respect and like us to some extent .
29 Nor did I meet you here to be angry with you , I hope I have not so offended you that you refuse to officiate and give us your instructions here tomorrow
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