Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 Units which sought to establish themselves outside such a plan would not only not receive public money ; they would also not qualify for any other public benefits .
2 In a letter to his mother he explained that ‘ seeing God had so often heard his most humble petitions , and had delivered him out of many most eminent dangers of soul and body , and had brought his family out of most desperate calamities , he should now seek to serve Him in such a calling ’ .
3 He was surprised that the doctor should seek to draw him into such boldness with one who was of the other sex , and the daughter of a friend .
4 Share , the user group for IBM Corp mainframe users , reckons that no-one can afford to ignore the downsizing phenomenon any more , and wants to dedicate itself to such concepts as open systems and integration .
5 Which is how she came to find herself in such an embarrassing position .
6 That the German audience is not deaf to beauty of tone production as some have been so foolish to pretend , is shown by the enormous enthusiasm with which Battistini is greeted when he sings in Germany , to say nothing of Caruso , although one hesitates to mention him in such proximity to so transcendent an artist as Battistini . ’
7 Because we all try to twist circumstances in such a way that they conform with our subconscious picture of ourselves , those who see themselves as permanent victims will automatically seek out people who are going to treat them as such .
8 And how strange it was that , after all these months of resolutely not thinking about her old life in the States , she should begin to remember it with such pleasure !
9 Mr. Kemp is entitled to his opinions but why he chooses to express them in such flippant and dismissive manner is puzzling .
10 First of all I 'd like to compliment you on such a brill and fabbo magazine .
11 She had not missed the fact that the coffee-table was piled high with past copies of Query and his arrogant manner was beginning to annoy her to such an extent that she was just about ready to storm off through the door and let Mr Parnham make of it what he could .
12 And she really began to hate him with such little strength as she had left .
13 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
14 Um — you would n't happen to know anyone with such a craft ? ’
15 He expected Caterina to be there to tell him that Rosalba absolutely refused to meet him in such compromising circumstances and considered him a blackguard and a monster even to suggest such an assignation .
16 I do not wish to exclude him from such private and individual arenas , for to do so would be to fly in the face of Christian tradition from the fathers to C. S. Lewis and Cardinal Suenens ( 1982 ) in our own time .
17 On Saturday afternoon , our faithful guide and interpreter Comrade Wong , together with another comrade who mysteriously seems to accompany us on such occasions ( Comrade Sun ) took us by car to the Friendship Store which is an emporium for the exclusive use of ‘ foreign friends ’ .
18 Those failing to take themselves through such graded stress inoculation may be reduced to falling back on an all-or-none defence mechanism in which awareness of the stressful event is completely blocked out , or is experienced in overwhelming intensity .
19 But as they started to grill him on such matters as his attitude to South Africa and Northern Ireland , it was his actions , not his befuddled replies , which riveted the panel 's attention .
20 ‘ I have wanted to meet you for such a long time , ’ she began hesitantly .
21 Mike Fitzpatrick capsized 2 minutes before the start but managed to right himself in such a position that he was first away on the gun although he was to drop back to 30th .
22 Subordinate males , on the other hand , were friendlier towards the infants of high-ranking females , perhaps because their own rank might increase if they managed to associate themselves with such females .
23 Now they could then say well that particular group of people , if they looked at this evidence that I 've got , would want to say this about it and they would want to change it in such and such a way , and there 's another group of people who perhaps have rather different views on what history might be doing and they would view the evidence and argue about it in this way .
24 It is not intended to place her in such a state of independence as might seduce her to devote her time to the idleness of Poetry …
25 Since a rise in interest rates can cause quite a severe fall in the price of bonds , banks could make a considerable capital loss if they were forced to sell them at such times .
26 If you would like to have this sort of feel but do n't think your existing space is big enough , or light enough , or for one reason or another , does not seem to lend itself to such treatment , then consider the surrounding spaces .
27 By a summons dated 10 April 1992 the local authority sought orders against W. and her aunt , who shared with the local authority parental responsibility for her , that leave be given to move her to such establishment as the Official Solicitor might approve and to give her medical treatment without her consent .
28 Only when forced into it by Nutty , by the fear of losing Firelight , had he come to accept it as such in his own mind .
29 ‘ Maybe that is true , but I ca n't see how it will deter a side which has superior scrummaging from trying to use it in such a situation ’ , said Ken Rowlands , the WRU director of refereeing .
30 But he continued to insure himself against such social accidents as might reactivate his grief by avoiding the streets of Reine and its inhabitants .
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