Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No matter where you finally wind up in the advertising business , you will want to work at some stage in an agency to gain real insight into advertising and acquire first-rate skills ( and , hopefully , reputation ) that puts wheels under your career .
2 Even if , in the end , we have to agree to differ on some matters , grievances should be discussed , not camouflaged .
3 Of course , for early EDI users , getting two computers , one 's own and one belonging to a trading partner , to talk to one another , was quite enough of a challenge , without worrying about other people you and your partners might want to communicate with some time in the future .
4 They passed , apparently oblivious , intent only on their own business ; but hardly a soul in the village failed to pass at some time during that day , and not one missed a detail of what was there to be seen .
5 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
6 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
7 There 's a special job Preston 's engaged on and I want to come to some arrangement with him — there should be room for both of us — if you would be good enough to tell me when your husband is likely to be back — "
8 Every advertisement has to appear in some advertising medium or other , even if it is only a roadside sign or a newsagent 's window .
9 Past changes in both relative equity and gilt prices have a negative influence on future expectations although interest differentials ( RATE ) are expected to persist for some time .
10 And , as soon as the consumer has to juggle with changes in the period of the agreement as well , he also has to juggle with some paradoxes .
11 First , I want to comment on some features of the hereditary mechanism which may prove to be characteristic of all living things , whether on this planet or elsewhere in the universe .
12 Josie tried to reach for some killer of an argument , a real zinger that she could pull out of the air and use to disarm all opposition .
13 Now I want to look at some properties .
14 Here I want to focus on some examples from recent textbooks for O level and CSE courses .
15 ‘ I want to put in some shells and seaweed first . ’
16 It 's what everyone has to do at some time — it 's called taking responsibility for yourself .
17 It states that sex is not appropriate in every situation where a couple are mutually attracted , or even within a relationship that is expected to last for some months or even years .
18 Indeed , as we shall see below , Lyons ' general arguments about language differences can be claimed to rest to some extent on implicit assumptions about literacy of the kind that they make .
19 I suppose everyone has to keep to some sort of rule .
20 So always buy more flowers and foliage than you think you will need to allow for some spares .
21 Ingres , which contributed 62% to ASK 's third quarter revenues , is expected to account for some $243m of ASK 's turnover of $430m anticipated for its year to June 30 .
22 Most , most criminals do n't want to get caught but there are the odd exceptions who are a bit idiotic er but we erm they 're very rare and usually high on drugs on something like that , but we 're just your ordinary sort of down and out type criminal who wants to break in some way .
23 I cooked and ate and even washed up ; tried to get into some music and resisted the temptation to open a bottle of wine .
24 The Greens won 10–30 per cent in some 1977 municipals , so they expect to get onto some councils .
25 Carrie tried to think of some way to break it .
26 His mind was racing now , beads of sweat standing out on his forehead , as he desperately tried to think of some way of alerting the pump attendant to his predicament without endangering them both .
27 Afterwards Grayling tried to think of some reason in the environment that might have had something to do with the outburst .
28 However , this is not expected to happen for some time and even when reform is introduced , the probability is that it will be phased in over a number of years .
29 That speakers do introduce what they want to say via some form of personal reference has a noticeable effect on the structure of contributions in conversational discourse .
30 Finance can be available from the Housing Corporation , building societies and local authorities , from whom land can also sometimes be acquired at a reasonable price if councils want to dispose of some building land unwanted because of reductions in their own building programmes — perhaps at prices below market value if restrictions on resale are accepted .
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