Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] [noun] should [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Pity my banishment should coincide with the onset of winter . ’
2 Trevors parents say their son should have been taken to hospital straight away , not left in pain for two hours .
3 If the parents say your wife should do this or should not do that , the boy listens to his parents .
4 In an article in the TES ( 14/9/90 ) Mary Castle claimed that there are fourteen local authorities that insist their schools should have no direct contact with journalists , so one needs to be clear about the LEA regulations before giving a story about the school to the press .
5 For instance , some of those members of the WPGET who went to support their colleagues should have thought twice about attending clubhouse functions in shorts and T-shirts .
6 But Gillian Mountfield is challenging the bill and says her husband should pay .
7 A SENIOR council official says his councillors should protest to Welsh Secretary John Redwood about the many disabled people being refused Council Tax relief .
8 Wilson was caught up in one European war already : a war which , despite the puzzlement of most Americans , he had decided his countrymen should enter as ‘ the disinterested champions of right ’ .
9 Expressing your feelings should help you start to recover .
10 People cleaning their homes should wear plastic gloves .
11 This gave parents in Scotland the right to choose which school their child should attend .
12 Parents in mixed marriages who are concerned about how this affects their offspring should take heart from new research .
13 Villa were quicker and slicker ; their manager , Ron Atkinson , reckoned his team should have scored 6 or more .
14 In 1707 , for example , when one of the Duke of Montrose 's associates found himself in legal difficulties , he begged for his chiefs intervention , pointing out that ‘ my pursuer is laterlie marryed to a near relative of the Justice Clerks and My Lord Arnistons , which makes it more necessar Your Gr[ace] should interest your self to take it away by arbitratione ’ .
15 As it is thereby illustrated and developed its implications should clarify .
16 Having realised how crucial START 1 and NPT ratification are to the West , many Ukrainians — 90% , according to the latest opinion polls — believe their country should hold out for financial compensation ; the current price tag , described as covering the costs of dismantling the warheads , is $1 billion .
17 Thousands of research reports for example , annually die a sad , but predictable death , because the authors mistakenly believe their efforts should end once the report has been delivered to management .
18 Government views on national parks , saying their future should take account of the economic and social needs of the local communities , were welcomed yesterday by Ian Kibble , regional secretary of the Country landowners Association .
19 And , I mean I fully sympathize with the gentleman , but I feel his lawyer should explain this to him , and also I feel , why should he pay such a extortionate rate of poll tax and have to pay again for grass cut and street swept ?
20 Although Folly knew her thoughts should have been occupied in absorbing a myriad pieces of information about the running of the shop , somehow , inevitably , they would slip away .
21 ‘ But that does n't mean his family should suffer too .
22 For him to die of pneumonia was really a terrible waste and I think David harboured a little … you ca n't blame someone for something like a person dying tragically with pneumonia , but I think he felt his mother should have watched over him more carefully , but I suppose that 's like saying the cat got drowned , why was the puddle there ?
23 The Manchester City manager insists his counterparts should stop moaning over Kenny Dalglish 's cheque book charge — and accept the Rovers boss has got his priorities right .
24 My interest here concerns how people who share my views should describe themselves .
25 Aston Martin Lagonda is introducing a service and restoration programme which means its cars should live longer than their owners .
26 And I think his comment should stand for what it is .
27 And to remind you to call our newsline if there 's something you think our viewers should know about .
28 When addressing the problem of Germany 's pre-eminent economic power , he either just says it is good for Europe or he says , ‘ I think our neighbours should overcome the tendency to think in terms of nation-states ’ , while the same thought is expressed by one academic : ‘ in many ways , it no longer makes sense to talk about Germany as a distinct national unit ’ .
29 Either you , or the person speaking for you , can tell the Appeal Committee why you think your child should get a place in the school you want , and why you think the Council should not have refused .
30 It is these attitudes which reflect the fundamental problem with the UK economy , and I think your questioner should have received short shrift to say the least .
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