Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] she [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 the Lenten 's appeal at the schools that Mrs was supposed to let Miss know so she could get it off to the parents to get the money back so that they bought the scanner .
2 Looks like she 'll get her wish . ’ ,
3 bring her plate home so she said she said that she do n't know if she 'll make it or even if she 'll be home for christmas so erm I said oh well !
4 I do n't know if she 'll have kids , when she 'll have kids , or if your mother would let you have one if she did have kids !
5 I do n't know if she 'll keep it . ’
6 You wan na know if she can sing ( yes ) , and whether Jeff Wayne 's ‘ Spartacus ’ , from which this is drawn , is the truly superb musical experience that his adaptation of ‘ War Of The Worlds ’ was ( probably ) .
7 I do n't know if she 'd come , but I 'd invite her .
8 Hardly a practicable solution when she did n't even know if she could make herself understood .
9 She did n't know if she could bear that .
10 She did not know if she could live without him .
11 ‘ Squish broke his ankle in Klosters and is being invalided home and Trouncy wants to know if she can bring Jean-Pierre , their French exchange .
12 Mrs Mitchell wants to know if she can increase or decrease the width of the pattern , in order to get complete repeats of the pattern on a sweater that is a different size to the one she used her 23-stitch repeat for .
13 Apparently her parents think she 's staying with wanted to know if she could send them our phone number and say she was staying here .
14 I did n't wait until she could turn the full force of her disapproval on me .
15 Despite her threat she doubted if she could summon up enough voice to scream .
16 But , since she 'd be hanged if she 'd let the man by her side know that the Sebastian of the deerstalker hat was her brother , she left Sebastian 's name out of it too .
17 Caro washed up and her mother dried , making her usual little jokes about how Carolyn could n't dry because she must have forgotten where everything went , by now .
18 He wanted to know whether she would like him to make her a cup of tea or whether they might wait until his wife returned from a committee meeting .
19 If her mum 's got five hundred there , I do n't know whether she 'll want them or
20 I do n't know whether she can act , but she looks a treat . ’
21 Before the weekend was out she would know whether she should stay or go back to London .
22 She did n't know whether she should take his penis into her mouth , and did n't like to ask him .
23 She trusted him to look after the Post 's interests before he sold the story to any other outlets , but she did not know whether she could trust him with the story .
24 We do n't know whether she will need an operation . ’
25 Oh , Hilly , how I love you ! ’ he exclaimed before she could answer him .
26 She craved clean air and peace , but there were not many hours to pass before she could point her car westwards and join Ayling in the country .
27 She did n't mention the word ‘ love ’ , because , after what he had said and seeing now in his eyes what he truly thought of her , she doubted whether she could love a man like him .
28 Two black Honda scramblers were parked close to the workbench and her first thought was to put them out of action , but she doubted whether she could get in a clear shot without exposing her head .
29 Dauntless doubted whether she could direct her attention upon anything long enough to sustain a sense of faith .
30 She doubted whether she could have told the difference if she had n't known .
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