Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] they [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 I managed four , but they tasted like they 'd been pickled in piss . ’
2 I did n't even know if they had been responsible but I had nothing more to offer .
3 She did n't know if they had been driving for minutes or days .
4 In this case , space is left unused in the main data area when the file is created , and additions are located on the same cylinder ( IBM ) or seek area ( ICL ) that they would have occupied if they had been part of the file when it was created .
5 All of which explained that when I arrived at the BMC 's International Meet halfway through the week , the climbers that drifted into breakfast that morning looked like they 'd been on the receiving end of a very nasty artillery barrage .
6 This magic had been happening while they had been closeted with the policeman discussing the prosaic and sordid details of the burglary .
7 So I do n't know whether they 'd been sending them away , to be er as patterns to some other firm or what , but there was quite a quant there was er a quantity of of casting sand you know black stuff that you use .
8 Then from the sealed camp at Fairford — ‘ The Cage ’ , where members of the S.A.S. were confined after they had been briefed — there was released the batch of letters to overwhelm me anew with love and foreboding .
9 It seemed like an excellent opportunity to put himself to the test , see if his reflexes were as finely honed as they had been in the old days .
10 Nevertheless , though the currents of genuine popular opinion are now even more difficult to evaluate than they had been earlier , given the intensified persecution from 1942 onwards of even relatively trivial ‘ offences ’ of criticizing the regime or ‘ subverting ’ the wartime ordinances , every sign points towards the growth in this period of a ‘ silent majority ’ increasingly critical of the Nazi regime — even if the criticism was often only obliquely expressed — and ready to blame it for the mounting miseries of the war .
11 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
12 But they have learned far more about morality this way than they would have done if they had been stopped from making their threats .
13 The by-laws were lawful not because of what they said but rather because of what they would have said if they had been drafted lawfully .
14 In particular , ‘ Britain was bounced into surrenders of sovereignty which she would never have accepted if they had been presented as abstract ideas ’ .
15 Doris , the girl who worked next to Anne , had been killed and her parents injured after they had been taken to a rest centre from their bombed house .
16 It did not matter whether they had been far-sighted landowners , former artisans or merchants in feudal society ; what is crucial for Marxists is the belief that their ownership of the new and increasingly predominant mode of production led them to have common interests and goals .
17 Heaven knew , it had been difficult enough to remain even slightly detached when they had been putting on an act for the benefit of an audience .
18 Students who are entitled to transitional relief will receive ⅕ of the relief they would have received if they had been paying the full community charge .
19 They were twisted and butchered and maimed and it was difficult to see if they had been Oaks or Beeches or Elms or what .
20 I mean if they 'd been trodden , downtrodden for thousands of years , I mean the whole power of the landlords is in the , the councils in the erm townships everywhere .
21 The person giving it may not realise the full legal consequences of it as regards the release of a co-debtor ; but that is not , in my opinion , a sufficient ground for reading into the document something that is not expressed in it ; and unless you find in it something qualifying the general words , it appears to me that the legal consequences of the general words of discharge must follow , notwithstanding that those consequences may go beyond what the person giving the document would have intended if they had been pointed out to him at the time , and he had had an opportunity of addressing his mind to them .
22 Beyond it lay , if she had chosen to conjure them up , unwashed coffee cups , trousers lying where they had been stepped out of , heaped dusty papers ring-stained with wine-glasses , a carpet full of dust and ashes , the smell of socks and other smells .
23 When she eventually returned , utterly distraught , our fears were confirmed : she had discovered the men 's bodies lying where they had been shot .
24 Between er , er the best , the best end of the scale ones which I would of thought if they 'd been submitted to something like a general
25 Writing the software was somewhat tedious , but having to work at this level did help the designers to get away from preconceptions about interaction which they might have had if they had been working within the input/output facilities provided by a conventional mini or mainframe operating system ( for example , that it needs a RETURN to terminate user input or that the operating system can properly handle the echoing of characters to the terminal ) .
26 But , at that time , none of us had seen Hell in person We 'd seen a picture of The Heartbreakers that Malcolm had brought back from New York — the one in which it was meant to look like they 'd been shot in the heart but in fact looked like they d all had the same accident with a ketchup bottle .
27 ‘ The Commitments ’ , with an all Irish cast and based on a book by Roddy Doyle , would be perceived here as an Irish film , but director Alan Parker is English , the screenwriters were British , the costumes were designed and made in England ( to look like they had been picked up in second-hand shops in Dublin ) and , perhaps more significantly , the film was financed with American and British money .
28 ‘ The Ministry would have been only too happy to hand you over stuffed and pickled if they 'd been asked in the proper way .
29 I asked , wondering if they 'd been angry on behalf of Ban Bhāi because Chola and the other women had n't waited for his permission , or because they 'd cheated , sneaking out first and grabbing all the pine-needles at the edge of the forest without having to climb at all .
30 And it gives support to the idea that treating the colic is important , because the children in the study all had serious health problems as a result of their sensitivity to milk — problems that might have been avoided if they had been taken off cow 's milk at an earlier age .
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