Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] he [vb -s] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
2 Ackroyd 's truest prose occurs when he applies himself to the imitation of ancient and recent writers — a repertoire of others .
3 The incommodiousness of Scotch windows keeps them very closely shut … even in houses well built and elegantly furnished , a stranger may be sometimes forgiven if he allows himself to wish for fresher air . ’
4 And I thought Grandson Richard was some special person and he turned out to be a human who sings when he wets himself — ‘
5 When asked if he sees himself as a business man or a sailor , he replies without demur that he is ‘ a businessman ’ , but he also professes , a touch pugnaciously , to being ‘ a socialist ’ and believes that opportunities for the ordinary person to take part in ocean racing have become even fewer since large scale sponsorship .
6 This process is analogous to a buyer at an auction paying more than he can afford because he allows himself to be swept along by the bidding .
7 Obviously there are other aspects of intelligent behaviour , some of which Bali may discourage ; perhaps a time will come when he tells himself ‘ I 've run away from a big world to a little one , I was wrong ’ .
8 ‘ I 'm looking for a partner for this new act , the Double-Take Brothers , ’ he explains as he busies himself with tea-bags and mugs of boiling water in the back offices of Hat Trick , the Soho production company responsible for putting together the series .
9 ‘ He 'll go on screaming until he makes himself really ill !
10 She never comes because he hangs himself , she has nobody to be nurse to , but her journey — were she to have made it — would prove as nugatory as his .
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