Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] i [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know whether I put my bus pass in my pocket .
2 I began to laugh but stopped when I saw my uncle 's white face .
3 He looked very doubtful when I asked certain questions and laughed me to scorn when I gave my verdict .
4 I had the strong feeling of help having been given so I clasped my hands and said a prayer , half mentally , half vocally , of thanks to God .
5 Wait until I get my torch .
6 ‘ Just wait until I tell my mum ! ’
7 Wait until I tell my friends I had a date with a doctor this summer . ’
8 ‘ You wait till I get my first casualty from the homes !
9 Just wait till I get my hands on that man . ’
10 Wait till I get my hands on her !
11 I could n't remember the make of car I drove , how my girlfriend looked naked , what I had done before I got my PI licence , what shape my bathroom was , my parents ' names .
12 If the first two rows started barfing when I took my shirt off , I would n't do it again … ’
13 I 'm just trying to think where you what you 're gon na do when I have my , have my hair cut ?
14 He was looking when I scored my first ever strike .
15 But that was where the trouble came when I lost my sight he was left with both the practical side and the er bookkeeping as well which he did n't understand at all .
16 I mean if I put my best , give you my best glasses you 'll widen them wo n't you ?
17 The pink one gave me a bottle of painkillers and the blue one asked if I needed my hair or make-up re-touched .
18 The first one was to the house in Colchester to ask if they 'd mind if I delayed my arrival by one more day .
19 ‘ Mummy , ’ Matilda said , ‘ would you mind if I ate my supper in the dining-room so I could read my book ? ’
20 Do you mind if I do my potatoes now ?
21 ‘ I 'm still an embryo with a long , long way to grow until I make my brother understand … ’ — Helen Reddy 's ‘ I Am Woman ’
22 Look if I take my hair off I 'm gon na finish up with an old girl with a bloody Zimmer frame .
23 Now you 'd better get out to where you are going before I change my mind and dash upstairs into Great-gran 's room and tell her where you 're going first , before you join your men pals .
24 But I would hesitate before I based my critisicms on , say , a new Vauxhall on the premise that it was slavishly derivative of a Henry Ford original with a slightly different body shape and the knobs in different places !
25 I should have washed before I put my dress on , you know .
26 Er , I missed the train , the video thing would n't work when I showed my film lunchtime and er , the book that had to read , er , unfortunately , is not in the library , so er , the le let me explain the background to this .
27 I could n't do anything about Nassim 's cousin being in Pakistan , I reasoned as I rinsed my mouth for the hundredth time .
28 I do n't know what really happened for I had my eyes closed , lashing out with my sword , whilst my horse , who had more courage than brains , took care of itself .
29 The evening sky was darkening as I made my way up to Claro .
30 ‘ That 's right , Corporal , ’ I replied as I snatched my very important pass .
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