Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] it [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Fast free kicks are ok ( as along as the ball is stopped I think ) what was very illegal was the fact that the free kick was taken from a COMPLETELY different spot to where the foul took place , so the Leeds player were ( justifiably ) waiting for the ball to be placed where it should have been .
2 Among other things , Christopher said Western assistance must be better co-ordinated and targeted where it can have the greatest impact .
3 ‘ Meeting Venus ’ looks like it could have done with a bit of old fashioned fascism itself .
4 Yvonne 's wearing a little black number that to my untutored eye looks like it could have cost ten quid or a thousand ; Clare is rather more ostentatious in a short , sparkling , crimson creation that looks like it wants to be a ball-gown when it grows up .
5 I do n't know if it would have been there in Flaubert 's day .
6 I did n't know if it would have any value …
7 For example , one director commented that when he saw a topic referred to a few times then it would ‘ click ’ in his mind , and he would then consider if it could have some significance to his company .
8 Wallace 's goal looked like it might have got a deflection .
9 The agreement was cancelled because it should have been put out to competitive bidding .
10 It would be difficult to add it in the way you suggest since it would have to be poured . ’
11 When Philip of Colombière 's nephew killed the niece of the bishop of Bayeaux , King Henry II 's court behaved as it would have done in the previous century in reconciling the parties by arranging a settlement between them .
12 The second is that , in fact , direct democracy could be a great deal more widely practised than it actually is , and that some modern technological developments have made it easier to implement than it might have been a century ago .
13 I did n't look at my watch , but I found out later it had stopped so it would have been wrong anyway .
14 That is the use of the scarce resource on one project may mean that another project can not be undertaken although it would have generated a positive contribution to fixed costs and profits .
15 The logical re-use of existing services has led to the retention of the overly utilitarian postwar outshot when it would have been better to demolish it and to restore the four-square appearance of the pre-war building .
16 She lifted an enquiring eyebrow , wondering if it would have suited his purposes if she 'd said nothing , because he could then have accused her of theft .
17 Probably wondering if it would have some sort of adverse effect on his investment ! ’
18 On Feb. 13 Police Minister Ronni Milo said that the Shin Bet secret service " acted as it would have to act and there was no place for all the complaints and accusations " .
19 Mr Kinnock accused the Conservatives of squandering £100 billion of North Sea oil receipts on tax cuts when it could have been used to rebuild the country .
20 It can be seen that as the lexicon size increases , more candidate words are allowable , so sometimes the inverted look-up is not used when it might have found the correct word .
21 To Cnut and some of his contemporaries this world still mattered , and evidence of this has been found where it might have been least expected .
22 Mind you , this is not quite as unsatisfactory as the ‘ Piano Quartet ’ set where it would have been just possible to confine Op. 26 and Op. 60 to the second disc , rather than breaking after the magical slow movement of the earlier of these two works .
23 If she 'd been forty , I doubt if it would have made any difference — to either of us . ’
24 The little blue trolls from space , the black-eyed pointy-chinned grey things in charge , the anal probing they inflicted on Christopher Walken inside something that looked like it might have been a UFO , event he awe-inspiring ham standard of Walken 's performance — they were all OK .
25 I decided to focus on the Matter again ; the cooking facilities ; it looked like it would have to be a barby of some sort , with paper logs made out of Bible pages twisted up and tied into knots — not the lovely picture pages , they remind me too much of Ma and Pa 's bedroom — perhaps a few letters to the Corinthians ; nice and dry .
26 I doubt whether it could have found its target but the very shape of it in my hands was reassuring .
27 The course provided tremendous excitement and thanks largely to the 18th hole I doubt whether it could have been topped by any course in the country .
28 The House is really concerned to decide whether it should have a Bill of this type on this matter .
29 It would not come although it must have been on the same day as the trip to the cathedral and her aunt had undoubtedly been with her .
30 ‘ Funnily enough , that 's why the whole episode did him less harm than it might have done .
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