Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] it [verb] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 One does it , one of the things that eh I do n't know whether it does effect you at all Chris but eh , eh Chris , is , is the fact that eh these here foreign lavatories they 've got around the town , now I 'm dead against these for a number of reasons .
2 This last point is worth amplifying as it does affect the poetry .
3 The News of the World 's vision should stand with the many other bizarre sightings of that year , blending as it did fear of modernity evil American sophistication — the threat of revamped Limehouse opium dens , courtesy of Indica 's Indian music , and the throwback to holiday camp drilling thanks to ‘ organized ’ LSD experiences .
4 She says : ‘ We hope if it does have to close that we will be able to reopen in the future if there 's a change of policy . ’
5 Lying as it does near the putative centre of the town , the building may have had some public function .
6 Although the long tendon attaching to digit 3 will develop initially , even though it does not attach to a muscle , it will not persist unless it does attach .
7 However , it is worth considering because it does offer , at least in theory , an alternative .
8 — Hardware — Software — Procedures — How it all goes wrong — What to do when it does go wrong — How to prevent it going wrong — How to evaluate products
9 Finally , I would like to imagine what may happen if it does turn out that mental health can be shown to have a genetic basis .
10 I mean , you think you give birth and you 're forgotten , I mean your health visitor visits your baby , and then you 've got the baby blues , and we we are trying to do something to get them to help and warn people about when they are pregnant it can happen because it does start then , not after you 've had the baby , it builds up and them wham , it hits you !
11 Recently books have been written querying the efficiency and use of Bomber Command aircraft in the night bombing of Germany , and asking whether it did help in the final defeat or whether in fact it made little difference .
12 again but but how long does it take before it does happen again ?
13 On the question of the figures , we have some doubts of the assessments made which were done prior of course to the actual opening of the southern bypass and therefore what would happen when it did happen .
14 you , you , keep ca n't actually tell until it does happen until something does happen and then you know how well that each side is prepared .
15 But notice that position A is socially preferred to B or C , involving as it does lower prices and greater output for both products .
16 The exhibition displays the as yet unwritten history of painting in the two Germanies , combining as it does abstract expressionists like H.Bachmayer , H.Prem and H.Sturm from the Munich ‘ Herzogstraße ’ group with works by C.Claus , G.Kozik , M.Morgner and S.Volmer from Chemnitz in Saxony .
17 Well I , I wonder if it does occur again , happen again
18 Never mind if it does mean that lunch is ten minutes late .
19 I knew the single-storey building from memory , standing as it did close to the dividing line with the Amal-controlled suburb of Chiyah in southern Beirut .
20 The committee said that the government should examine copyright law , which restricts the import of cheaper CDs from abroad , to see whether it helps sustain a ‘ complex monopoly ’ in Britain 's £1.2 billion music industry .
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