Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [n mass] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 An over-extreme view of what counts as data for the sentence-grammarian was , according to Sampson ( 1980 ) , noticeable in some of the early work of generative grammarians .
2 The price of property in the village had risen as people from the towns bought up cottages as second homes and young couples could no longer afford them .
3 The reactions will generally not recur if 90% of the white cells are removed , and this can be achieved either by using a filter at the bedside or by removing them in the laboratory .
4 It 's a bit unnerving when people in the gallery laugh to their own jokes rather than to the ones the comedian is making .
5 Together , these studies suggest that although individuals with the less active form of ALDH and more active forms of ADH are less likely to become alcoholic , they have a greater risk of developing alcoholic liver disease if they do drink than people with the normal form of ALDH and less active forms of ADH .
6 Younger people are on average thirteen times as likely to be assaulted as people in the over 45 years of age category .
7 If a volume is filled before data for the specified charge code is exhausted , the next volume in the set for that charge code is opened .
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