Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pers pn] get [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Do you know if she got married ?
2 Do you know if she got married ?
3 No but wants to know if you get to keep all the tapes cos he want to them all .
4 It helped if you got caught to know as little as possible .
5 So you can guarantee if I get divorced from there down to there I 'll land on fucking and end up back here !
6 Gon na wait till I get working and unless you can get the ones with string on on a thre
7 And then well I met John , when I was in there , started going out with him , and er as I say when you get married in there you had to leave , so this , this was the next job they offered me .
8 Bruce Weber 's arty portrait of the now-dead jazzman Chet Baker is hopelessly pretentious — all black and white fashion shots and sun-burst silhouettes — but all this is forgotten as you get caught up in Baker 's sad , pathetic life story .
9 Erm not necessarily addicted though , they just like it and they just wait until they get caught then they suffer the consequences themselves .
10 Wait until I get dressed — and please be quiet . ’
11 Right it hurts if you get smacked in the mouth what you do is you put your face look so that you ca n't hit me .
12 Re-silvering is a specialist art , and since mirrors are cheap enough to replace if they get damaged , few people will want the fuss and expense of mending them unless they are very large .
13 I just saying that something like that , something cheap , that does n't matter if it gets mucked up .
14 its not , you ca n't , the thing is you ca n't defend them without how you die , you ca n't train people how to avo to die , you can only train them how to avoid it , so it does n't really matter if you get fired or not , but they show you the drills and you have to do them to the best of your ability the blank rounds are only there to the conditions , now this is why they 've got these laser got laser sights all over the body , helmet and torso and the actual weapons got a laser on top and you get , if you get near one of these things you go dead and your out , and you can actually simulate
15 what do you mean shouting you , you think I 'm shouting though , you wait till I get going you know , okay , right incredibly powerful trying to work out exactly what he wants er eyes were bulging do n't do that , do n't do that , I 'm in charge , do n't do that .
16 He went on to describe the drivers swearing as they got snarled up in the midday Cairo traffic .
17 " Im say that er , you know sound it a sort t'ing for big people cause when me get stab up whe me go say , me mudder go star% argue wiv me , because when most of the time when you go sound you know trouble an " all that does arise .
18 You will do when we get to come
19 A preview will tell you what the software can do at the moment — we do n't go too heavily on any minor bugs or inconsistencies at the preview stage , but we do criticise bad design and form an opinion about whether the software will be up to scratch when it gets released .
20 I tend to keep a tight rein at first , and gradually relax as I get to know them .
21 I mean if we get finished now and clean the ki cooker and and clean everything and say right , we 're out of the kitchen then , nothing more tonight .
22 well funny , that must of taken quite a lot for that actor to play cos he gets chucked around and sort of things do n't he ?
23 It so happened if he got paid anyway !
24 We have n't got a hundred and twenty and a hundred thirty and last year one of the sets which we 've had since we got married we could n't them to go no matter what we tried .
25 And you ca n't move so you got to receive on gold in which case you 've got ta wait till next go before you can move .
26 So whether it means add or take away or subtract or negative we can sort of forget about it and just look at the signs so if get if we get take away plus three , that will be the same as take away plus three , yeah ?
27 Erm so , so I mean and then , you know , he describes various examples where you know if you get hit by your best mate you basically , you know , instead of telling him to F off you say down with imperialism type of thing .
28 Hm. you will sign if you get excuse me .
29 Because if you start getting if you get bogged down with discussing people about other products they 'll think you 're either gon na be doing them
30 Without a CICS/Open product on the market , Data Logic casts the race for Unix-based OLTP solutions outside the IBM world as a Tuxedo versus Encina affair where ‘ the market will decide whether they get pushed into interoperability . ’
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