Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pers pn] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 Fast free kicks are ok ( as along as the ball is stopped I think ) what was very illegal was the fact that the free kick was taken from a COMPLETELY different spot to where the foul took place , so the Leeds player were ( justifiably ) waiting for the ball to be placed where it should have been .
2 In fact , even the most basic repairs had been neglected for many years before that , so that structural problems developed where they might have been avoided .
3 Among other things , Christopher said Western assistance must be better co-ordinated and targeted where it can have the greatest impact .
4 The selection can contain more than just the numbers you wish to sum so you could have in your document Apples 20 ; Pears 25 ; Oranges 36 and having marked the passage you would use the command Ctrl-K-M ( Block math ) and see a message :
5 The range fire was stoked so they could have a Last Bath .
6 looks like we may have struck lucky , cross fingered and everything else
7 ‘ It looks like we 'll have to . ’
8 Out in the street Marshall said : ‘ If that piece of paper is what it looks like we could have found the killer . ’
9 I always shop on Sunday and I just thought that it was nice to see in the paper today it looks like we will have legalized Sunday trading everywhere for all of us fairly soon .
10 it looks like they 'd have lots of good stuff in
11 ‘ It looks like I 'll have to put Danny on the bench and that will be a great opportunity for him .
12 ‘ Meeting Venus ’ looks like it could have done with a bit of old fashioned fascism itself .
13 Yvonne 's wearing a little black number that to my untutored eye looks like it could have cost ten quid or a thousand ; Clare is rather more ostentatious in a short , sparkling , crimson creation that looks like it wants to be a ball-gown when it grows up .
14 " One of Joe 's friends , " the Dubliner behind Patrick grunted derisively , " looks like he 'll have to fall downstairs . "
15 It looks like he may have travelled under an assumed name , God knows why . ’
16 As for my shower , only Marley looks like he might have talent , he seems capable of scoring goals with either his left or his right buttock .
17 ‘ He looks like he must have been pretty naughty , ’ she said , and handed the picture back to him .
18 I do n't know if we 'd have worried about that if we 'd thought he 'd done a bunk .
19 I do n't know if they 'd have me .
20 I do n't know if she 'll have kids , when she 'll have kids , or if your mother would let you have one if she did have kids !
21 Tom did not know if he would have them .
22 I do n't know if it would have been there in Flaubert 's day .
23 I did n't know if it would have any value …
24 He says : ‘ I do n't know if I would have been slightly criminal , but would not have been a very nice human being .
25 I do n't actually know if I would have been best friends with her had I not met her before , but we get along well now , + are well suited .
26 As she was treated in hospital , the terrified teenager had confessed : ‘ I do n't know if I will have the nerve to go back to work .
27 But he doubted if he could have stood her voice for a full evening ; it grated on him when she chatted him up over the counter .
28 For example , one director commented that when he saw a topic referred to a few times then it would ‘ click ’ in his mind , and he would then consider if it could have some significance to his company .
29 Wallace 's goal looked like it might have got a deflection .
30 I grumbled because I would have to remain several days more without Pinard .
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