Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The tenant may be wary of this in case it is used by the landlord to remove the tenant ( in a buoyant market ) but any dilatoriness on the part of the landlord in reinstating where none of the supervening events applies could be seized upon by the tenant .
2 Laura would often send memos to Meirion asking him to let her know if anything in the design was causing problems in making up ; if so , she would alter it .
3 He wants to know if anyone in the Darlington area has any information of the whereabouts of Mr Whitbread .
4 a lot about it and sha n't be , frankly I 'm relieved I do n't actually know a lot but when the meeting to discuss what we 're supposed to do is on December tenth yo so I 'm a bit torn cos I in a way that 's what I ought to be doing even though the welfare business in a way that 's wh that 's what I ought to be doing cos it 's entirely .
5 The second QLF , if any , will only be considered if none of the reference resolution possibilities for the first is deemed acceptable .
6 Moreover the recording itself stands as something of a tribute to his long relationship with another French institution , the Opéra de Lyon , which he has conducted frequently since his début there in the same opera in 1981 .
7 That Mr Li should be felled by illness at the relatively youthful age of 64 has come as something of a shock in a country where leaders are traditionally long-lived .
8 ‘ Must have come as something of a shock to the old brigade , ’ said Milton .
9 A great deal of heart disease could also be prevented if everyone over the age of thirty-five had their blood pressure checked every few years by their doctor .
10 How would you have felt if someone with a hundred times your experience had tried to buy into one of your early ventures ? ’
11 So we got there and he said right okay you 're the press chappy he 's right I 've put your press people over there so while respect Lieutenant Commander that really wo n't do because everything including the Band of the Royal Marines is between them and the Princess Royal so we argued about this and the compromise eventually was that that everybody would have to stay there until the ceremony started and then we could bring the stills photographers round to the end and up to one side where it was all happening mainly to get a picture of his wife cutting the cake .
12 But no evidence was offered against Tapping after none of the civilian witnesses needed for yesterday 's trial at Teesside Crown Court turned up .
13 And what what do you do when you times the index by three ?
14 The common duty of care does not impose on an occupier any obligation to a visitor in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by the visitor …
15 It came as something of a shock in the late 1970s , when developments in the human rights situation around the world and the increase in groups worldwide and the increase in groups worldwide led to fewer prisoner cases being available for UK groups .
16 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
17 After running a substantial international fibres business , it came as something of a cultural shock to find himself sitting in ICI 's headquarters with only a secretary to command .
18 So it came as something of a shock to Labour 's Brian Wilson when he found that a Commons motion he had tabled had been … well , subbed a bit by the authorities of the House .
19 It came as something of a shock to the Poles to realise that the Kaszubians saw no difference between selling their land to a Pole or selling it to a German .
20 So , it came as something of a disappointment when a Ms Mel Chevannes , who ran a black supplementary school in the West Midlands , wrote to the Wolverhampton Express and Star to protest at my testing ‘ hypotheses that black people are ‘ happy-go-lucky or very physical in their outlook ’ ’ and that my aims were to ‘ damage even further the life chances of black children ’ ( 25 June 1980 ) .
21 In view of these attitudes , it came as something of a surprise when the Chancellor 's 1989 Autumn statement included an extra £250 million over two years to tackle the problem of homelessness .
22 I asked her if she always painted with such alacrity and her answer came as something of a relief , ‘ I like to enjoy painting , so ofttimes I paint much more slowly , it 's like eating , you do n't want to rush through a great meal ’ .
23 This came as something of a surprise since most people had assumed that SIB , as the recognising authority , was exercising some sort of supervisory control .
24 THE PANIC world-wide over the Friday 13th computer viruses came as something of an anti-climax , with the Royal National Institute for the Blind emerging as the major casualty .
25 Barnes 's decision therefore came as somewhat of a slap in the face to these well rehearsed points .
26 He brings Abraham down to earth with a bump , by giving us a subtle piece of comedy in which he features as something of a country bumpkin and gets , to use unsubtle language for a moment , ‘ right done ’ !
27 Firelight was conspicuously much less nervous , and when it came to the riding she did for Nails what she would do for none of the others , even Nutty .
28 In the light of what was to happen in the next few years , defeat by just 2–0 may be seen as something of a triumph , especially in view of the two traumas that occurred .
29 The mid-'70s are now seen as something of a cultural wasteland for rock and it is no exaggeration to say that Wednesday 's NME was the highlight of the musical week for a generation .
30 It may even be that the indiscriminacy of some of the air operations in the Second World War will come to be seen as something of a historical aberration , and a mere temporary consequence of the undeveloped state of the arts of target acquisition and guidance .
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