Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] it [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Things just gradually start to build up and get on top of you and you either get more into the gear and try to forget about it , or you stop using it and try and sort out what 's left of your life .
2 If at any time any exercise causes severe discomfort , pain or extreme breathlessness , stop doing it and see your doctor .
3 Erm remember the hay we would be turning it w with pitchforks you know , and erm not a well goo drying day but you had to risk turning it and hoping that it 'd be dry but er it would be raining again the following day .
4 If you do n't explore your anger how can you stop internalizing it and shed the costume of the victim ?
5 I bought exactly what I wanted and I did spend a lot of money , but I enjoyed doing it and had fun .
6 That 's where he keeps biting it and scratching it .
7 The importance of affirmation With regard to football it perhaps does not matter very much — people who like playing it or watching it are not likely to be seriously affected by our negative comments ; they will just think that we are stupid and go on playing and watching as before .
8 I remember trying it and finding it locked .
9 Then I started studying it and doing charts for friends .
10 I mean , we just , we just do n't have to keep changing it and talking about it .
11 She was the sort that keeps coming , that never knows when they 're licked … the mad cockerel I once hit with my toy cricket bat — it was an accident , of course it was , but I had to keep hitting it and hitting it until it was nothing but a bloody pulp on splintered sticks .
12 And she kept pulling it and making the hole go .
13 Jinny remembered seeing it and slipping past it because it looked complicated and she was tired .
14 Since the infinitive evokes the effect , to represent it as a mere result produced on the patient implies representing it as coming after the operation of producing this effect ( = the making ) , whence the use of to express the before/after relationship between the two events .
15 And I think if you start analysing it and trying to think back to how or why , or questioning why it happened , you start worrying about whether it 's going to happen again , and then it wo n't happen .
16 Practise reading it and think up a few sentences to explain why you have chosen it .
17 In that sense , thinking anything adequate about commercial television may well involve ignoring it and thinking about something else : in ( this ) instance , experimental video … .
18 The wood was roughly finished ; Melissa ran a hand along one of the top rails , collected a splinter in her thumb and stood sucking it while considering the possibilities .
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