Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had already considered returning to London in the closing stages of the war , but had thought better of it .
2 Consequently she never stopped bellyaching to Daisy about how all the other Pony Club members had at least three ponies , and how humiliating it was having to hack to meetings when everyone else rolled up either in the latest horse boxes with grooms , or driving Porsches with telephones .
3 ‘ When the firms were grouped according to similarity of objectives and techniques of production , and classified in order of the technical complexity of the production systems , each production system was found to be associated with a characteristic pattern of organisation .
4 Baroness D'Ludinghausen , who now lives in Paris and works for the well-known firm of Yves Saint Laurent , has according to reports in the Russian press already managed to persuade a number of notable patrons to participate in the fund , including the Princess of Jordan .
5 ‘ To have a 58-page French document in on Monday which needs translating to English by Thursday is quite a task , ’ says Jenny .
6 It is anticipated that the relationships between parents and their young sons and daughters will be modified according to changes in the balance of household contributions as the children move towards adult responsibilities .
7 Whatever the time dependences of the signals in a two-terminal nonlinear network , its terminal behaviour can be represented by Moreover , the relationship between sufficiently small signals and , denoted according to convention by lower-case letters i and v , is or where ( , ) is the bias operating point .
8 I stopped listening to Mudhoney after ‘ This Gift ’ , the follow-up to their still superior ‘ Superfuzz Bigmuff ’ which failed to deliver anything as immediately impressive .
9 Work on voting behaviour in Great Britain in the 1980s illustrates this , with the class divide much distorted according to power in the market place , which in turn has become increasingly spatially variable : Johnston and Pattie , 1988 , 1990 . )
10 Lengths varied according to source from 76 to 86cm ( 30 to 34in ) .
11 The baseline characteristics of the subjects varied according to severity of periodontal disease ( table I ) .
12 ‘ I had considered going to California over the winter but I realised it was n't necessary .
13 In more remote areas , where the NO x concentration can be extremely low , ozone destruction has been reported owing to photolysis by near ultraviolet light .
14 ‘ I 've enjoyed speaking to audiences about my experiences in the game , ’ he said .
15 Zeelenberg had considered trekking to California during the winter to train at Kenny Roberts ' ranch , where many other Europeans perfect the crucial art of sliding the rear wheel on mini bikes on purpose-built tracks .
16 Opportunity should be taken to relate teaching to measurement of the kind encountered in other curricular areas such as science , geography , home economics , craft and sport .
17 This more ‘ outrageous ’ guitar style involved coming to terms with the dreaded guitar solo .
18 The flashing tape is supplied in various widths , and only needs cutting to length with an old pair of scissors
19 ‘ We propose continuing to completion on the basis that all material disclosure of relevant facts and circumstances has been made … and there is no foreseeable risk of subsequent invalidation of the European Commission 's approval of state aid as being incompatible with Treaty requirements . ’
20 There was also one student who had taken the baccalaureate — a combination of ten subjects , arts and science ; she had considered changing to English in her first term at university .
21 If your story is true , you will be treated according to rank as my prisoner .
22 That 's what , I mean according to Tracey on
23 In official publications types of manual job are usually distinguished according to levels of skill , with separate categories being used for the unskilled , semi-skilled and skilled manual worker .
24 A survey of welfare spending by all private firms conducted by the Ministry of Labour in 1975 estimated that such payments yielded benefits equivalent to 10–15 per cent of annual earnings , but did not distinguish very clearly how this differs according to size of firm .
25 Notably , the Northcote-Trevelyan reforms helped to root out political patronage and corruption in the state bureaucracy in the second half of the nineteenth century , and to establish a public administration that operated according to principles of professionalism and the ethos of ‘ public service ’ .
26 Attitudes towards professional development are also differentiated according to length of teaching experience .
27 A queue is a sequence of individuals , arranged according to time of arrival , and not according to size or strength , such that the first in the queue has prior access to some resource .
28 They want it back by then because , on 10 March , they will have a quick fix Budget and then , some time after , if all goes according to plan from their view , they will fix a quick-fix election on 9 April .
29 I still imagined returning to work at WTN in London , picking up with Jill as though all these years had not altered anything .
30 Some standardised measure of dementia was needed , partly as a criterion of entry to the project , partly so that action and control samples could be compared to see if they were matched according to level of mental impairment , and partly to compare any changes over time .
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