Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many salespeople believe that the most efficient routing plan involves driving out to the furthest customer and , then zig-zagging back to home base .
2 THE Princess of Wales seriously considered walking out on the Royal Family , according to royal biographer Andrew Morton .
3 THE Princess of Wales seriously considered walking out on the Royal Family , according to controversial royal biographer Andrew Morton .
4 So much so that many people internal to Digital never bother venturing out into the big bad world of USENET for their kicks .
5 She tried looking out of the window to the hospital 's green lawns and the tall eucalypts that stood motionless against a gloriously blue August sky , but found that looking away seemed too impolite .
6 Over the fell , near where Deepdale meets Dentdale , is a farm called Coventree , which , Miley Taylor told me one night in the Sun Inn , is named after a tree beneath which the hairy crones of Dentdale would hold their covens and throw eye of newt and armpit of toad into the stew while waiting for the Dales equivalent of Macbeth and Banquo to come riding out of the night .
7 But in many circuits , significant source and load resistances will need factoring out from the upper and lower arm values respectively ( and scaled pro-rata ) , otherwise the implied accuracy will be false ) .
8 ‘ I am not going to lose my credibility on this train by being caught coming out of the help 's bedroom . ’
9 I heard recently that Australia has come whooping out of the closet .
10 It 's a bit embarrassing to come staggering out of the mist , with a purple face , eyes lost in swollen , battered tissue , gasping for breath , to find people wandering around the path in cardigans and slacks .
11 He pointed back down the road to where his travelling companion was still approaching , having adopted a method of riding that involved falling out of the saddle every few seconds .
12 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what proposals he has arising out of the report on primary education by Alexander , Rose and Woodhead .
13 Mr Watson said : ‘ It is the intention of Coun Garvey as long as he retains control of his private prosecution to seek that it be directed to the crown court on the basis that the allegation against him is heading towards the crown court and it would be sensible to have the two alleged criminal acts tried arising out of the same incident tried before the same court . ’
14 He did n't expect us to come rolling out of the pubs drunk , and the Yorkshire pudding to get flung at the ceiling with the gravy running down the walls like the tears of a black madonna .
15 ‘ They had to come streaming out of the forests and down to the Bright Palace , in answer to the summons of their Lords … ’
16 Right , anything else that 's erm needs raising out of the last meeting ?
17 Here I sit looking out over the sea , on this little rag of an island , Uskair .
18 I was lingering near the assembled bottles , wondering who on earth could have brought the Bourgueil , when I was joined by the man I had seen stepping out of the BMW .
19 After being seen whizzing out of the doors of a rink , he had to skate at speed along a footpath of the common , round a spiral pedestrian walkway , on to a road , grab the back of a passing bus , let go , cut across a main road between cars coming in both directions , go across another road — between the wheels of a moving articulated lorry — and end up in a babywear shop , somersaulting into a cot .
20 IMAGINE stepping out of the shower into the caress of a tropical breeze — instead of reaching out for a tatty old bath towel .
21 A car came speeding out of the fog , mounted the pavement and smashed into them .
22 But when the death coach came galloping out of the wild black sky to take Darby O'Gill to hell , it fairly put the fear of God in me ; more so than any clergyman before or since , however vivid their threats of eternal damnation .
23 Ranulf and Maltote following suit just as the two crossbow quarrels came whirring out of the darkness , skimming the tops of their heads .
24 However quickly he may have acted , the actual taking of the handbag must have taken more time than seems to have been available — since Eddie Stratton and Shirley Brown were seen walking out of The Randolph almost immediately , if the evidence of at least two of you here is to be believed , the evidence of Mr Brown and Mrs Roscoe .
25 Hers said it was by mistake but I know it was n't and he came wandering out of the wood , all black and shaggy like the Beast in the fairy tale in the most peculiar clothes , very ancient , and dreadful wild hair like pictures of the Prophets . ’
26 Hotspur put up a hand to the furred collar of his cloak , and let it slide from his shoulders ; and like a silent and attentive valet the girl came gliding out of the shadows and took it from him .
27 Caspar came bounding out of the tangle of fallen trees below the cliff .
28 As she let herself in at the front door her mother 's voice came booming out of the kitchen .
29 A daunting figure came looming out of the night .
30 Zoser came hurrying out of the church and joined his wife .
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