Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [pron] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She was n't going to risk annoying them as she had about the color of the paint .
2 However , you should only consider using one if you can confidently sail in a Force 4 .
3 However , after exhaustive efforts to produce interfaces using Motif — which it dubs a ‘ deranged widget set ’ — the company has decided to ‘ stop throwing good money after bad and cease using it until it either improves or disappears . ’
4 ‘ I told you not to try denying it because I wo n't believe you , ’ he insisted with iron resolve in the pitch of his voice .
5 So , she starts quizzing me and I start nattering on about the bloody Brontes — I think Mrs Fleming must 've been really intelligent when she was young , honest-to-god she was firing them at me faster than Bamber Gascoigne , she says to me : ‘ And tell me , Karen , how are you going to deal with the themes of Repressed Sexuality in the Brontes ' work ? ’
6 He never stopped worrying it once he had a bone .
7 it starts cleaning itself and it 's alright then .
8 She jumps into the basin and starts cleaning herself and she hears ching !
9 BIT EMBARRASSING today because Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love were caught feeding something when we visited the boring but compulsory Old Mill today — and it turned out that it was a baby that they were feeding !
10 One of them proposed arresting him as he lay on his bed and taking him off to prison with all the bedclothes .
11 It was only when I stopped hurting her that she got worried .
12 I tried ringing them and I did n't get any answer on the phone
13 Father O'Malley never stopped telling me that she was a saint if ever he 'd seen one .
14 When I did eventually tell her she was really embarrassed , and tried telling me that I was making it up !
15 She tried telling herself that he was just another idle aristocratic adventurer ; she had been looked over by several of the type and others of lesser breeding during her ten years in the public eye at the Fish .
16 But after three such encounters he said he realized this was because after eight years she had stopped loving him and he made his famous remark about adultery .
17 you stop employing him or her
18 A dialogue box will appear asking you whether you want a new Program Group or a new Program Item .
19 Erm , I think they 're quite good at saying stop smoking , or stop taking it but we do n't offer anything in it 's place .
20 I always welcome hearing it when it is delivered so lucidly from the mouth of the hon. Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) .
21 ‘ Then stop fighting me as I am sure to win . ’
22 OK , you 've registered , and a leaflet arrives telling you that there 's a new version of DOS available .
23 ‘ Be terrible to go troubling her if we were wrong .
24 I never recall seeing her when she was ill .
25 And erm , we got another hoe oh er , I do n't like using it cos it 's got wood and it keeps giving me splinters !
26 He does n't like seeing me because it makes him remember my mother .
27 It should also be noted that there is no covenant or warranty implied that the premises are legally fit for the use for which the tenant intends using them and it is for the tenant to satisfy itself in this regard .
28 Her old self would have seemed like light-years away as well if Mr Know-it-all did n't keep reminding her that it was n't .
29 Erm the second point I 'd like to make is er we danced round this phrase presumption this morning , I 've tried to avoid using it because its its it gets all sorts of er connotations going .
30 One of them would not mind sacrificing himself if he thought that the other is of more use to humanity , but sees no evidence of it .
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