Example sentences of "[verb] [det] who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 A politics of the future has to engage with , learn from , the new , never to be simply satisfied with tracking opinion polls or empty gestures but empowering those who have been left cold by all our agendas .
2 Jesus likens those who have been instructed about the Kingdom of Heaven to householders who bring out of their treasures things both new and old ( Matthew 13:52 ) .
3 Ever enthusiastic , a similar report followed the following week speaking of the untiring energy of the Committee and so on , and including the following paragraph — ‘ Of course , there have been those pessimistic folk about who have done all in their power to discourage those who have been endeavouring to bring about this deserved end , and have scoffed at the idea of ever raising the amount of money necessary .
4 So much is made these days of the high-profile young dance companies who are ‘ trying to find their own vocabularies of movement ’ , that it is all too easy to forget those who have been doing just that , very quietly , for a long time .
5 The change becomes easier and easier and when the mid-point is passed those who have been left behind with the old method are only too eager to catch up with their colleagues .
6 The feast gives us a graphic picture of the character of God , showing how he loves to redeem those who have been lost , to restore the lives which have been wasted .
7 As for us , we have your story , we have a saint who has made her way back to us by strange ways , and we have those who have been friends to her on that journey , and may well believe , as you believe , that the lady has been in control of her own destiny , and choosing her own friends and her own dependants .
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