Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [prep] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 As early as 1950 Norbert Weiner had predicted that automation would result , within twenty-five years , in a depression that would make that of the 1930s seem like a pleasant joke , and in 1965 an Oxford University professor was quoted as saying at one of the OECD conferences :
2 Right I 'm not , not having those pennies , change that for a ten .
3 As you begin to write your outline or first sketch , make each of the two following types of plan :
4 Therefore , it can be calculated that of the 1,135 opioid users known to our five main indicator agencies in 1984–5 , 227 would have ‘ come off ’ opioids by the following year .
5 Next , we attenuate each of the four spectra , normalized by the scale factor , by five different N H column densities .
6 In 1921 a report placed before the Prussian Diet revealed that of the 460,884 hectares of land purchased by the Commission up to that time , only 27.4 per cent had come from the Poles ; a staggering 72.5 per cent had been purchased by the Commission from German estate owners .
7 The performance of each dictionary was tested using each of the three documents , and measured in terms of percentage correct and z-score ( the t-score could now be replaced by the z-score since sample sizes were sufficiently large ) .
8 If many of Hewlett 's correspondents felt as Mrs Lowndes did , this explains why Hewlett 's letters as edited by Laurence Binyon ( 1925 ) make such unexciting reading ; she herself records that of the three hundred letters printed by Binyon there was only one ‘ which I felt to be characteristic of the man I knew so well ’ .
9 ah , you want to see some of the twenty five year olds going to town down here
10 The library reference room was on the Fludyer Street side of the building and although it housed some to the 5,000 volumes in the manuscript library , some had to be distributed throughout the passages of the building .
11 Six mobile offices were even stacked in pairs across the college lawn to accommodate some of the dozens of people employed by the Board especially for the event .
12 Now we are trying to target some of the 8,000 existing businesses who should be looking to use our facilities .
13 The WO then further subdivides this for the eight counties of Wales .
14 However , a subsequent Pentagon report , released internally , disclosed that of the 312 soldiers listed as wounded , 72 were injured in parachute jumps .
15 In December 1724 Wade reported that of the 22,000 fighting men who , he estimated , might be raised in the Highlands , 12,000 were active or potential Jacobites , some with hidden weapons , and that the best way to keep them in check was with independent companies of loyal Highlanders , under their own Whig but Gaelic-speaking officers .
16 On Oct. 14 Egypt 's state-controlled Middle East News Agency reported that of the 90,000 Egyptians currently residing in Jordan , some 70,000 without work permits were to be fined and deported .
17 The third measles trial reported that of the 12 deaths ( 10 in controls , two in those given vitamin A ) , 10 were due to respiratory disease .
18 Figures produced by the Council for Mortgage Lenders suggest that of the 36,610 properties repossessed in the first half of this year 45 per cent were voluntary , in the sense that they did not involve a court order .
19 Boyd 's 12-man team visited each of the ten pits after being told by Trade President Michael Heseltine to establish if British Coal had met the prescribed criteria for closure .
20 The principal objective of the scheme is to provide each of the fourteen candidates with a 12-month commitment to his appropriate squad .
21 The party-controlled media of North Korea reported little of the 1989 reforms in Eastern Europe , and most of the country 's 1,700 students were withdrawn from Eastern bloc countries except the Soviet Union .
22 Top each of the eight rounds with one teaspoon of tomato with pesto sauce , 25g/1oz sliced mozzarella , two slices of tomato and ¼ teaspoon shredded fresh basil .
23 They may know each of the 17 episodes off by heart , but The Prisoner is a television series like no other .
24 I do not know how he reconciles that with the 59 per cent .
25 We found that of the 465 graphs of key financial variables , there were 142 instances ( 30% ) of measurement distortion greater than 5%. 129 of these were distortions of a rising trend , with 98 exaggerations and 31 understatements .
26 She found that of the 16 libraries which retained archive files of statistics , the following principal uses were recorded : monitoring book use for duplication of titles ( 10 libraries ) ; fund allocation ( 5 ) ; monitoring book use for change of loan status of books ( 5 ) ; and for relegation purposes ( 5 ) ; examination of interdisciplinary use of stock ( 3 ) ; monitoring loans for possible changes in loan regulations ( 2 ) .
27 ( 1986 ) , for example , found that of the 450 children coming into care in five local authorities in England and Wales , residential care accounted for 51 per cent of all admissions ( p. 80 ) .
28 We will discuss each of the five levels in turn , and describe the operations performed upon them .
29 Let us discuss each of the two core assumptions in turn .
30 A soviet ( or governing council ) representing each of the twelve nahijes ( districts ) within the pashalik was established , but its powers were vaguely defined and it became an instrument which Karadjordje could use or ignore as he felt fit .
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