Example sentences of "[verb] [det] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 We regret this and it 's not going to happen again . ’
2 it 's too late then , that 's what A Angie said , Angie said , you know they , they make this and it 's too late you ca n't undo the , the , it 's a lie !
3 will er the the younger people will be encouraged to start to accept this and it is a change in our thinking , that it , I find it difficult as well .
4 I 'm looking for a nut erm , for this , so you know hold it in position , found one , while I 'll looking I found this and it 's just the job
5 We have been trying for years , centuries , to establish this and it is only because of help from outside that we have been able to do it now .
6 ‘ I 've learnt a lot off the television but I think I still need to know more and it is something I think we all worry about . ’
7 no , I dro , I drove that and it 's really quite nice but I might
8 Chief Insp Roger Worton , of West Yorkshire police , said : ‘ We did n't expect that and it is rather surprising . ’
9 Get more information first , so that you know all your facts and if you ask us we 'll send him a booklet without saying who er , who asked us to send it and then go in and see him and say , now the Osteoporosis Society have said this and it 's a very brave doctor who will then say absolutely no !
10 Did erm , have you seen this and it 's for when you eh , eh change your week ending .
11 I do like that and it is so easy to do and
12 well what in actual fact happened , it 's not easy to get Terry Wogan at a moments notice to come and sit down , what in actual fact happens is that we draw up exactly what it is , that , that he would be saying and what the answer will be , he sees that and it 's totally approved , understandably he 's not gon na put his name to anything that he does n't believe is , is correct and that is how it 's done and
13 Fortunately the means do exist for a PC to suspend the operation of one program and run another and it is the exploitation of this facility that has produced a veritable rash of Desktop Accessory software .
14 Yeah , put the cover back on just in case , cos you can cut yourself , it 's never been used much and it 's really like new sharp .
15 You 'd recognize this if you are a driver and especially a driver who maybe has the opportunity of travelling long distance , now years ago when I was younger and perhaps some of you in the audience when you were younger , you could go from here to the South of England with no trouble , without a break and you 'd head on down the motorway and you , you 'd be alert and alive and er ready to meet up with all sorts of emergencies and you 'd drive quite well all the way down , non stop down the South of England , but if you 're like me now , when I get to Stafford on the motorway you 're beginning to feel as if you 've had enough and it 's difficult to try and keep your concentration as you used to years ago , and that 's how it can be in the truth sometimes , when we 've been with it a long time that , we grow older not only physically , but spiritually too we become very experienced in the truth and we become very sort of fat spiritually , we can live off of that fat ca n't we ?
16 Government and hospitals are not opting out of the N H S at all , they are every much of it a as part of the Health Service as they every have been and you all know that and it 's about time you stopped saying it .
17 And he 's saying look er you need to get organized to do this and it is okay to be violent .
18 I said , there 's loads of building going on and we have had money to do this and it 's jolly well time .
19 Watkins fully appreciated this and it is significant that his original ‘ vision ’ was of a series of markers stretched across the landscape rather than trackways as such .
20 You need to have that and it is no bad thing provided , of course , that at the same time you are prepared to listen and benefit from good advice .
21 He did that and it is very clean , but nowadays a very suburban tabloid , but it 's fresh , it 's pleasant as a result , and that when I quit Rolling Stone .
22 Now I 'm pretty certain that you do that and it 's it 's a bit of erm there 's qui quite a bit in it .
23 While it is possible that the missionary who baptized in the River Glen was the Briton , Rhun , and that Bede was mistaken when he located Paulinus at Yeavering , the statement about Rhun in the Historia Brittonum , inserted as it is in a somewhat garbled account seemingly extrapolated from the Ecclesiastical History , can not be regarded as undoubtedly signifying this and it is uncertain what weight can be attached to it .
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