Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now some of you in the room , believe it or not , will be happy to hit that and sit at that .
2 had a farm at and they sold that and moved to that one .
3 Andrew Storey was enjoying this and rattled off ‘ the statistics .
4 Some policemen are both reflective and compassionate enough to realize this and admit to it .
5 Unfortunately for them , some of the Hurricane pilots failed to see this and stuck to their Fulmar , ignoring all signals to break away .
6 We are probably wrong , however , to see this as happening on a large scale or as a particularly significant development in many areas .
7 It may also be necessary to begin keyboard skills in the last year of primary school and to continue this as required at the secondary level .
8 For example Adrian Thatcher ( 1991 ) takes issue with the emphasis on private individualism which talk of " inwardness " tends to convey , seeing this as based on a radical distinction between what is objective and what is subjective — a distinction which , though very influential since the seventeenth century , is now regarded as mistaken .
9 The best coaches will recognise this and set to work .
10 If we press this and insist on doubting what the humanist holds as indubitable , we uncover a hornet 's nest of assumptions and presuppositions which are far from being rationally indubitable .
11 Rowntree described these as living in ‘ primary ’ poverty .
12 On the negative side , funerals were becoming so much more secular in outlook , appearance and context that the surviving guilds and fraternities found themselves hard-pressed to provide all that made for an average funeral of the new type ; the rules were being rewritten by a public which no longer wished to perpetuate the simple ritual hitherto provided and which were looking for a pageantry close to that of the great baronial funerals as performed by the College of Arms , a corporation of heralds and part of the Royal Household .
13 There was a developing awareness that politics went beyond the institutions of government , and that the connections between state and society involved more than attending to the formal implications of regular general elections and the play of party politics .
14 Even before 1905 , a solidly-based mass press had come into being , and in the last decade of the Empire there was an explosion in the publication of newspapers , while the number of books appearing more than trebled in the first decade and a half of the century .
15 Africa 's debt has more than tripled since 1980 .
16 And in that time the number of share-owners has more than tripled to more than nine million .
17 His salary is now £143,000 , which means that it has more than trebled in just a couple of years .
18 The proportion of men aged 70 and over in the labour force has more than halved from 11 per cent to 5 per cent in the same time period .
19 Membership of the United Nations has more than quadrupled since 1945 , greatly complicating international negotiations , while a fundamental conflict of interest between developed and less developed states introduced a North-South dimension to global politics .
20 Total loans for house buying has more than quadrupled from about £9.1 billion to £43 billion , with the number of mortgages increasing by 62 p.c. from 6.5m to about 10m .
21 But the army has more than quadrupled in size during the war , from 26,000 in 1982 to 112,000 in 1992 , and at least within the UNP , the stature of the politicians has shrunk .
22 But it has more than paid for itself in improved factory efficiency , said Bob Pruitt , operations manager of Thatcher Tubes , Florence — part of Courtaulds Packaging .
23 The figures , which were announced at the weekend , disappointed most and led to warnings of cuts in services to avoid charge capping .
24 Some of the revisions are relatively trivial , but collectively , they show that the principle of stylistic variation — that there can be alternative ways of saying " the same thing " — can explain much that goes into the process of literary composition , as well as much that is involved in the reader 's interpretation of the text .
25 Now having said that and looking at it with an open mind I think it was certainly a very useful day .
26 It is particularly unfortunate that in the absence of detailed excavations here , we can do little but hypothesize about the expansion of this small town .
27 He did n't add that he had argued Frick 's case vigorously , had hammered the points home until they could do little but agree with him .
28 Well those that are there can do that and contribute to some extent .
29 It is important to remember this when thinking about climatic geomorphology , because if one assumes that landforms are going to vary significantly with these zones , one assumes that the climatic parameters controlling landforms are the same as those controlling natural vegetation .
30 I knew exactly how I would do this and explained in some detail , finding Alec Reid equally fascinated .
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