Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 And , again , if it is functioning well , it is possible to see this reflected in the bearing and in the expressions of the players whilst they are making music .
2 We expect that to happen in the autumn . ’
3 If this is tomorrow 's generation , Britain has little to fear in the years to come . ’
4 Stockbrokers W I Carr are aiming the Helmsman Self-Managed Personal Pension at controlling directors , partners , self-employed and senior executives who want some say in the control of their investments .
5 Spalding and Theakston designed this to fit in the Hallam Hall , the work was executed by Mr. J. L. Taylor , then woodwork master at the School , and the Old Boys ' Association paid for it .
6 As might be expected this resulted in the reduction rather than the elimination of disparities between the samples , some of the problems being discussed below .
7 Cornelius found much to observe in the cafe .
8 Although he found much to admire in the oriental-megalomaniac architecture of Kim 's Korea or Mao 's China , in his quest for a style suitable for a monumental Bucharest he looked to precedents closer to home .
9 AMNESTY International has much to do in the '90s to maintain its role as the world 's leading human rights movement , Peter Benenson , the organisation 's founder , told the annual Amnesty International Youth Conference last year .
10 Where we might have expected these to vary in the same direction as the specialist team 's , they in fact exhibit a different set of distinctions , particularly in the high rate of service provision and the trend towards maintaining cases as live .
11 The number of animals killed to satisfy our taste for meat dwarfs those used in the other main areas of controversy , those of experimentation and hunting .
12 The ideas put forward are offered as a structure to enable finance theorists and accountants to widen their perspectives and also to encourage those operating in the strategy field to welcome collaboration with finance specialists .
13 We have reformed the organisation of the NHS to encourage those working in the service to respond to what patients want and need , and to get the most out of the increased money which the taxpayer provides .
14 The one for cleaning commodities will include those used in the chalets . ’
15 Although not if he has any say in the matter : ‘ I understand I 'm currently eighteenth in the list of funniest comedians … and falling , ’ he retorts , before almost smiling , although not quite .
16 I hope this works in the case of the Lanark Road .
17 right , I 'll shall go and do some work in the kitchen then the
18 ‘ I 'll come and do some measuring in the morning if that suits , ’ she said .
19 Unveiling details of the £1.7m deal , Ed WAllis , PowerGen 's chief executive , candidly said he would expect some say in the way the weather was presented .
20 An important point since getting that first touch can do much to nip in the bud those ferocious Kiwi surges around the back of the lineout …
21 Now that her children are old enough to do without a nanny , Sheila refuses all help in the house , preferring to do all her shopping herself .
22 I said how surprising it was that even in a small society like ours we should be able to throw up any number of superior people to replace those lost in the normal or abnormal attrition of life .
23 The owner of aircraft B would notice nothing wrong with his radio equipment , not realising that the serial numbers no longer matched those recorded in the aircraft log-book .
24 In the rest of the region , Israel Radio 's coverage allows those living in the Arab world to hear about events that are censored by their own governments .
25 yeah , I do n't use that to put in the sugar
26 You have a lot of air pressure against you and you can use that to manoeuvre in the sky .
27 She also likes writing short stories and has had some published in the school magazine but ‘ never dared try anything else , ’ she said modestly .
28 Wallia may have had some say in the grant made to his people .
29 I have little doubt that a major force in the moulding of the law in this form is to be found in the practitioners ' text books of the time , notably Bullen & Leake 's Precedents of Pleadings , 3rd ed. ( 1868 ) , p. 50 , and Leake 's Law of Contracts , 5th ed. ( 1906 ) , p. 61 ; we can see this reflected in the form of the arguments advanced in the cases , and the manner in which the court reacted to submissions by counsel challenging the accepted view .
30 Whether these concentrations of ROM resemble those found in the mucosa in inflammatory bowel disease in vivo is unclear .
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