Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] from [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Clearly , their major difficulty is finance — the rouble has dropped from parity with the dollar three years ago to 1200 to the $ now .
2 It has come from experiments with high-energy muon neutrino beams at particle accelerators , and from lower-energy neutrinos at two nuclear reactors .
3 Much of it has come from work with animals , for here it is possible to arrange particular experiences at particular ages and subsequently test for their effect on the behaviour of mature animals .
4 The Aussie trio is led by newly-signed Steve Regeling who has moved from Exeter with Dave Cheshire , who spent most of last season recovering from a bad wrist injury , and Mark Lemon whose plans to move into the first division have been put on ice .
5 ROD Jones has returned from Romania with a message for his fellow aid workers : ‘ The situation is desperate . ’
6 She had always felt insulated from pain with him , as if the condoms served to forever prevent them from getting unhealthily close .
7 It is also the case that the great majority of students entering advanced courses in art and design have come from foundation courses , a few having come from school with GCE A level passes in art .
8 It has a charming , white stuccoed wiggly gable , two windows wide , that might have come from Amsterdam with the King 's guns .
9 Having escaped from detention with several of his supporters , he proclaimed himself commander-in-chief of the Kaba camp and demanded the release of other officers arrested after the May 27 incident .
10 The Carpets may have tumbled from grace with those anxious to keep pace with fashion , fallen victim to a mid-career plunge into the realms of prog rock and put out the odd dodgy single , but they 're currently looking like people whose revived self-belief is entirely justified .
11 Southey had reached the city shortly before , having walked from Oxford with George Burnett , a Balliol friend who had been persuaded to join the Pantisocrats .
12 She felt that all compassion must have passed from Emilia with the emptying of her womb except for this last residue that smouldered in the promise she exacted now .
13 Having emigrated from Germany with most of her school some five years earlier , she and her team of staff and older children knew a thing or two about the traumas of young people settling in a strange country .
14 He is said to have been deprived of the royal household and nobles with the counsel and consent of all his people , and to have fled from Bamburgh with only a few companions , which would suggest an almost outright rejection .
15 Freud believed that the depressed person had developed from childhood with high dependency needs .
16 Fund raising was underway , in the capable hands of TMAM Chairman Jimmy Beedle , who had flown from Tangmere with 43 Squadron in 1940 , was the author of the superb book The Fighting Cocks and Secretary of the 43 Squadron Association .
17 For she had actually been engaged in the very pleasant task of deciding which room in her new house at Far Flatley might best be converted into a nursery when a messenger had come from Frizingley with the awful news .
18 Only five of the men who had sailed from Bristol with the Hispaniola returned with her .
19 He entered the profession after an apprenticeship at the Jesuit college he attended in Sheffield , where his father , a salesman in steel , had moved from London with his young son .
20 Of the twenty-eight who had arrived from Paris with me , only four were coming to Orange .
21 Van der Zyl , who had arrived from Germany with a Kindertransport in 1939 , was a rare soul , a liberal who held the respect of the orthodox community .
22 Minton had returned from Jamaica with several pairs of shoes , made in Manchester for the Jamaican market , and a host of ideas .
23 Eurocommunism is the generic name given to the political strategies and beliefs of those Western European communist parties which have broken from alliance with the Soviet Union and repudiated the Leninist model of socialism both as it has turned out in practice and as envisaged in ideal terms ( Boggs and Plotke , 1980 ; Carillo , 1977 ; Claudin , 1979 ) .
24 The interpretations given in this paper have benefited from discussions with colleagues in the Texaco Exploration Department , especially T. E. Dibb and P. F. Riches .
25 THREE pool players from Wirral have returned from Doncaster with a team bronze medal in the European Championships , writes Ian Hargraves .
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