Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] that he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My vet has diagnosed that he suffers from an allergic syndrome , which could either be a contact allergy or photosensitivity .
2 While the magnificence of the result could justify the fact that The Red Shoes cost twice as much as The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp , there were many cases where the extravagance worked against the final result , and Michael Powell has recalled that he became ‘ impatient at the complacency of my associates about the mounting costs of our films . ’
3 And he has realised that he had nothing to lose even if I am spying for Carlotta .
4 An inquiry into the death of a yachtsman during the British Steel Challenge has heard that he took his own life .
5 An inquiry into the death of a yachtsman during the British Steel Challenge has heard that he took his own life .
6 In conducting this exercise the Commissioner has explained that he has adopted the wide test of subversion formulated by Lord Harris in 1975 and that his duty ‘ is to look at each case individually and say whether the Home Secretary could reasonably take the view that the warrant was necessary in the interests of national security ’ ( Lloyd , 1987 ) .
7 ‘ My husband has married only once , ’ she told me ‘ but he has forgotten that he has any duties . ’
8 The outcome is the same if he has forgotten that he has a knife on him .
9 Vic Williams has said that he left his regiment only after concluding that he had no other option remaining ( at no time prior to his decision to leave was he made aware of his rights as a soldier to register a conscientious objection to military service ) .
10 He has said that he wrote his second novel to say , ‘ Up you , Charlie ! ’ to those who had told him that getting out one book was easy .
11 Ben Hogan has said that he wished he had learned the importance of left forearm rotation earlier in his career , as it became one of his keys in his later years .
12 And Mr Donson er has said that he does n't think it , it in fact exceeds that .
13 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
14 According to a recent report in the New York Times , Castelli has said that he wishes the archives to be fully accessible to the public and that if this were in any doubt he would donate them without charge to the Smithsonian Institute 's Archives of American Art .
15 Steven Isserlis has said that he needs ‘ a safety net not to have to worry whether I 've ever played this or that bar properly during the session and also someone who knows the kind of musical personality I am and whether I have covered a particular stretch of music the way I would want .
16 The European Commissioner for the environment has said that he believes that there has been a failure to carry out a proper environmental impact assessment .
17 As I understand it , the Home Secretary has said that he means to cut down on exceptional need to remain .
18 Meanwhile , Dustin , who has said that he envies pregnant women , followed a natural childbirth course with Anne , doing all the exercises she did .
19 The Secretary of State has said that he wants a national health service that is well informed of people 's needs and preferences .
20 and he is n't in my opinion really considering half the other jobs , but he has said that he wants that and by the mercy of providence this business of Lee being flung out by Andy and being put back onto the into the job centre coincides with my being very tight on money .
21 Well Boris Yeltsin this morning has said that he wants a veto over the use of nuclear weapons and about ninety percent of which I think are on Russian soil , that perhaps can be interpreted , additional safeguard to have another veto .
22 How many meetings have we all been to , all of us in all parties , at which the candidate has said that he looks forward to winning ?
23 But now his ex-girlfriend Denice Lewis has revealed that he believes in pyramid power .
24 For the east Belfast unionist , who plans to visit community centres in nationalist areas , has revealed that he knows two current Sinn Fein councillors from his youthful days in the New Lodge area .
25 SUPER-RICH singer Cliff Richard has revealed that he lives on just £35 A WEEK .
26 The Spirit has shown that he validates the Christian mission among Jews , proselytes , ‘ Godfearers ’ ( as Gentile adherents on the fringe of the synagogue were called ) , and even outsiders like eunuchs and Samaritans .
27 History has shown that he made the right choice .
28 At some time he may also have sent an expedition against Normandy which was defeated , and his Helmet coin type , perhaps current from 1003 to 1009 , depicts him in armour ; according to the surviving verse on him by the Icelandic poet Gunnlaug Serpent 's Tongue , the army feared Æthel-red no less than God , and N.P. Brooks has shown that he increased the military burdens on his people by requiring more of his soldiers to wear helmets and byrnies .
29 They argue that his experience in Northern Ireland has demonstrated that he has qualifications for the job , combining authority with even-handedness .
30 President Gaviria has found that he wields little power even over the 24 members from his balkanised Liberal Party .
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