Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] is that [art] " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend 's second criticism of the way in which the scheme has worked is that the £24 million budget which was set aside for the two financial years — and I emphasise two years — 1989-91 was underspent .
2 Most unintentional stalls occur , by definition , unexpectedly and usually the first obvious sign of what has happened is that the pilot is banging the stick on the rear stop with the nose still dropping — a frightening feeling .
3 Historically , what has happened is that the rock vanguard has shifted its focus from eroticism to the psychedelic powers of horror .
4 All that has happened is that the relations of production have been turned into historicized human relations .
5 However , if what has happened is that the person has Taken the Side of the Other , then there need not have been attitude-change in the traditional sense .
6 You may not credit it , but what has happened is that the story has been retold , adjusted , updated ; it has shuffled nearer .
7 What has happened is that the tax system has become less progressive , the changes having benefited those on high incomes who now surrender a smaller proportion of their earnings in the form of tax .
8 But of course what has happened is that the capital base has been eroded , and the future value of the sold asset will not accrue to the organization .
9 Although this picture looks complicated , all that has happened is that the handle plus blade have been duplicated to make the other half of the scissors .
10 From another point of view , what has happened is that an older Left position , whose model of an anti-commercial , genuinely ‘ popular ’ culture is ‘ folk ’ music ( regarded as a useful source primarily because of its potential for politically progressive lyric content ) , has been rewritten with an emphasis on the progressive potential of new , electrically mediated form , and its capacity to recreate community as an ‘ echo ’ of the ‘ folk ’ .
11 What has happened is that an alibi has been set up , for a wounded man " could not " have committed the murder that took place immediately afterwards some distance away .
12 According to a spokesman for Newbury , Berkshire-based Cognito Ltd , one of the problems that the company has faced is that the network infrastructure was in the process of being dismantled when the management buyout got the go-ahead , so that much installation work had to be duplicated .
13 One problem that has arisen is that a new tenant may not settle quickly and may wish to leave even though this may be unrealistic .
14 What has changed is that a convention has developed as to how and when this power is exercised and the modern position is thus that the monarch has , except in the most unusual circumstances and even then only doubtfully so , no discretion as to when Parliament shall be called and disbanded .
15 It could be argued that the propositions considered earlier as regards the patient so requesting would be applicable , since all that has changed is that the relevant legal decision-maker is the parent or guardian , so that the doctor would be absolved from his duty .
16 What should have happened is that the soft , natural gold would be spiked by the pin … what actually happened was that the nugget was pinged out into the river like a tiddly wink .
17 What seems to have occurred is that the texts of the previous generation have been disposed of in preference to any others .
18 The point that no one in government seems to have grasped is that the businessman who spots what he thinks is a gap in the market and retools his factory , only to find that he has made an error of judgment , loses his own money and learns his lesson .
19 A related international custom which appears to have emerged is that the use of nuclear weapons can only be authorised by the highest political authorities in each nuclear state .
20 What seems to have happened is that the distinction , drawn perhaps from one of the few classical instances ( of Ulpian or Papinian ) , was seized on by epi-classical law and later adopted as a post-classical touchstone .
21 ‘ What appears to have happened is that the resident mixed two household substances , which should not have been mixed , ’ said the council spokesman .
22 The the memo I 've got is that the new settlement provision according to the structure plan , relates to the the Greater York area .
23 The view to which we have come is that the cause was part of a causal circumstance as conceived .
24 One thing I have noticed is that the exterior of the church is in need of repair and redecoration .
25 The impression I have from such documents as I have seen is that the obvious hardship to the residents of Bridge and Medway Roads was somewhat played down and the employment and general economic benefits were underlined .
26 What they have grasped is that the other is a dubiously soft touch who knows she 's been lucky so far and feels guilt-ridden enough to want to put something back into the public melting pot which has been kind enough to approve of her .
27 The main problem we have found is that the hens ' interest in simple peckable objects wanes rapidly .
28 But the problem with these groups is not that they 're wimps , but that they 're runts ; not that they 're vulnerable or soppy , but that they 're flimsy , What 's happened is that the perfectly valiant and appropriate refusal to grow up has become a refusal to grow , musically — to take on space , drift , experiment .
29 ‘ We did attempt to do that in the early stages , for example with Ascom Timeplex , but generally what 's happened is that the distribution relationships have been less than perfect , ’ explains Howard .
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