Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] it for a " in BNC.

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1 If she has had it for a few years , there will be another bonus in that it will mature before the end of your mortgage term , saving thousands in extra interest payments .
2 KIND-HEARTED Jimmy Savile has fixed it for a badly-burned Romanian boy to have surgery in Britain .
3 Her father 's expression was the warmest she 'd seen it for a long time .
4 Even though we 'd sold it for a ridiculously low .
5 The Quix supermarket had refused the box because they 'd ha although they 'd had it for a cert for quite a long time during the miner 's strike I think .
6 Oh god I thought I 'd lost it for a minute
7 ‘ You must have done it for a good reason .
8 I would have done it for a young white guy if he was from my club and I realised that he did not have enough money to play the Tour . "
9 Maxim would have known it for a British government office no matter where in the world he met it : small neon-lit with a hodge-podge of cheap furniture and painted to look scruffy even when it was surgically dean .
10 The playing of the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Peter Eötrös , who had given the work several times before this 1991 Prom performance , seems immensely confident and assured , all the complexities mastered ; and the recording quality is so good ( and the audience so quiet ) I would have taken it for a ‘ state-of-theart ’ studio job .
11 A fair crowd had gathered on the Wigmore Street-Portman Square corner and at first you could have mistaken it for a queue outside a sandwich shop , or even the Post Office just a bit further down the street .
12 Which is a bit different and I 'd like to see it , that 's just one of my things , but again when you 're in , going into retirement I think you 've got to think about this , I mean I went , nobody twisted my arm , I went into that situation and I 've enjoyed it for a great many years , but now I 'm thinking I 'd , before I , it 's too late I want to have a , a l a fling in autumn as it were .
13 I 've done it for a number of smaller companies and charged a fortune for it
14 In 1987 the role of Lord Mayor was taken by Richard Horner , a local butcher , who had done it for a few years .
15 I 've suspected it for a long time , but now it 's absolutely dear !
16 I picked the song because I had written it for a special person and it was not a Dr Hook song .
17 She was seized with a desire to feel his hand on her breast again , as she had felt it for a fleeting second months ago .
18 And I said is my caravan being cleaned weekly as people go out if they 've got it for a fortnight fortnightly .
19 Pic oh I 've got it for a week and if I get successful in doing so many tapes then I get twenty pound , twenty five pound v voucher to spend
20 the same a as what Ann had for theirs I mean we 've had it for a year and paid all that rent .
21 You 've had it for a few years too .
22 I 've had it for a week .
23 I felt that I had known it for a long time .
24 I had known it for a long time , ever since I had confided to my Mum at age fifteen that I fancied the other girls at school , the ‘ it 's just a phase , ’ syndrome .
25 They had swapped it for a modern flat in a concrete skyscraper .
26 I 've swapped it for a couple of weeks .
27 I 've wanted it for a very long time , and it will happen , I promise , but not now , not yet . ’
28 I 've rented it for a fortnight .
29 Industry was geared up , under Lend Lease , to produce the armaments that would defeat Hitler , and also pull the country finally and forever out of the stagnation that had crippled it for a decade .
30 and erm she 's had it for a couple of days but we thought she was getting over it this morning .
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