Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Dromore jockey John Reid who is having his best ever season was in a suitably bullish mood when I spoke to him about the remainder of the 1993 Flat racing year which has seen him head inexorably towards 100 winners for the first time in his career .
2 AMERICAN Fred Couples is near to completing a scintillating year on the world golf tour which has seen him win close to £1m .
3 And although this work has seen him working all over Britain , Ireland , Europe and the US , he thinks it is time for a change .
4 Answer : Levi has said he plays professionally only so that he can indulge his other interests .
5 Repeatedly he has said he favours internationally supervised elections , and that his country wishes to be non-aligned .
6 David Abell has said he does not know who is behind Sterling .
7 Scotland 's senior law officer , Lord Fraser has said he does not intend ‘ at present ’ to seek the extradition of Abu Talb from Sweden .
8 He has said he does not care what it costs him , he is standing on a matter of principle .
9 Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker has said he does not now believe it would be right to continue with the proposed closures because of the entirely unacceptable numbers of prisoners held in police cells .
10 Councillor Waugh has said he does not want council money spent to benefit private-sector operators under the Government 's privatisation plans .
11 James has said he did n't know Gardiner was going to stab White .
12 Mr Dear has said he did not take earlier action because he was told there was no evidence to suggest a wider conspiracy .
13 Strach has missed him overlapping too … gives him options and a bit of space to do the damage .
14 Since then he has married and the stability of his relationship with Caroline has helped him to see both what he wants and needs .
15 He says the year and a half he 's spent in America has helped him grow up a little .
16 Or no , do n't tell me , ’ she denied with a scowl every bit as horrible as her son 's , ‘ he 's adopted another blasted lame duck and has got him living here with him !
17 Goulding has a wild streak in him which has got him sent off twice and sin-binned four times .
18 Unless — nightmare ! — Wilko has got him to sign so 's he can sell at a higher price to Blackburn … : - (
19 What has got he did n't give me any .
20 He pulls a second face as if his entire life is flashing before him , as if Sir John Gielgud has told him to piss off .
21 Now , £100 000 from the Department of Industry has enabled him to set up a full-time commercial unit to analyse samples sent from Europe as well as Britain .
22 For example : a child who regularly receives from his mother the privilege that his father has refused him learns very quickly to ‘ go behind his father 's back ’ .
23 A COLLEAGUE 'S 4½-year-old son has asked him to set up the video camera in front of the chimney on Christmas Eve to catch Santa on camera .
24 ‘ Keith has a back problem which has forced him to pull out ’ said Jones .
25 French law has forced him to hand over the helms of Adidas and Bernard Tapie Finance , but he said : ‘ My new post is not incompatible with the presidency of Marseille .
26 TREVOR FRANCIS last night refused to bring down the curtain on his playing career , even though Sheffield Wednesday chairman Dave Richards has begged him to bow out .
27 T. Behrens gives the impression that he has more to say about himself than the progress of this mad love — to which he did not stand all that close at the time , brother as he was — has allowed him to come up with .
28 You can imagine this has meant him working very long hours , one of the other problems he has is he suffers from diabetes .
29 When the Farmer has finished he sits down and goes to sleep and begins counting to 100 .
30 It 's his profound faith in the north which has kept him battling on . ’
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