Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 But she has said she does not believe she will be crowned .
2 David Abell has said he does not know who is behind Sterling .
3 Scotland 's senior law officer , Lord Fraser has said he does not intend ‘ at present ’ to seek the extradition of Abu Talb from Sweden .
4 He has said he does not care what it costs him , he is standing on a matter of principle .
5 Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker has said he does not now believe it would be right to continue with the proposed closures because of the entirely unacceptable numbers of prisoners held in police cells .
6 Councillor Waugh has said he does not want council money spent to benefit private-sector operators under the Government 's privatisation plans .
7 James has said he did n't know Gardiner was going to stab White .
8 Mr Dear has said he did not take earlier action because he was told there was no evidence to suggest a wider conspiracy .
9 But just because the ranger service has expanded it does not necessarily mean there will be similar increase in the number of school visits or guided walks .
10 What has got he did n't give me any .
11 It has stretched it has n't it ?
12 Already this illogicality has led us to focus not on a " mockreality " but on a mode of experience .
13 After what has happened I do not think this girl will be able easily to adjust to a normal teenage existence for some time and I think any order forbidding her to see this man again would not only be unrealistic , but would place an intolerable burden on a young girl who , it seems to me , has had quite enough strain already .
14 Now that would not be what one would expect er two months ago if I 'd said well look you know that 's that 's what the revolution 's gon na bring about you would 've said I do n't believe you .
15 I reckon he 'd taught I reckon he 'd taught her do n't you ?
16 to get up to the thirty five mile an hour you got ta go through all the five gears so you 're forever pa going like that erm and that made it worse so that last fortnight she has n't been on the bike and that last weekend when she went out she went because we was busy , she got her bike out and she went up to work one or two of her mates and then come home she said she 'd wished she had n't of gone up
17 I told you I 'd won one did n't I ?
18 I was that content with being a mother I 'd decided I did n't want a job until my daughter went to secondary school .
19 She was a good twelve years older than me , but allowing for that , I 'd seen myself look not much better some mornings in the last few months , my skin blotchy , my eyes shadowed and swollen , my lips pale and dry-looking , my hair lifeless and uncombed .
20 and how he 'd seen prison and er they 'd said they had n't any prisons but he found one and erm hospitals and all that sort of thing and at the end of the week 's visit erm one of the very high ups , whom he named and I 've forgotten the name of him , I think I 'll just use that , thank you erm sent for h he , he was brought before him as it were and the man said to him are there any questions er at the end of your week that you want to ask and he said well perhaps there is one he said erm Winston Churchill was here erm a month or two , a few months ago
21 It was she who told me that Doogie was a commis chef at one of the better Park Lane hotels ( and I 'd said I had n't realized his politics were important and she 'd just looked at me ) and she was a journalist with one of the North London suburban weeklies .
22 I might not have believed it if you 'd said you had n't . ’
23 but when it come out me mouth , as soon as I said it I thought you should n't speak to people to people like that but I 'd said it had n't I ?
24 When I 'd asked Chola what the ceremony was for she 'd said she did n't know : they 'd always done it .
25 After what he 'd said she did n't dare turn the key in the lock , but she made short work of undressing .
26 Her response , when he 'd said he had n't read ‘ Varvara ’ , had shown guilt .
27 She 'd So I thought well I 'd I Well he 'd I did n't say what he 'd done I did n't ask about that , I mean I had I had enough trouble without asking questions like that you see .
28 How deeply she 'd slept she did n't appreciate until she woke to the remote hoot of river traffic , and the sound of a pigeon cooing rhythmically just outside the window .
29 I 'd got one did n't I , that 's right .
30 in fact if I 'd known you had n't got one , the one we had before , oh know it 's not got a tape on though , but you 've got a record player have n't you ? yes
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