Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This last possibility is one that has given me some concern over these months , and is something about which I still feel undecided .
2 Another point which has given me some concern is that the present book is supposed to be a directory of Cabinet Committees .
3 If I know something , it 's because the Lord has given me some understanding .
4 As a gift to the family , Wimpey Homes has given them some furniture to help make their new house feel more like home .
5 I hope this article has given you some insight into what it 's like to be on the receiving end of your cichlid queries .
6 But he has done himself some damage and will need to work hard , and with some care , if he is to secure re-election to the shadow Cabinet in November .
7 Maastricht has brought us some clarity , because we now know where the train is supposed to be heading .
8 Q I have layered , shoulder-length permed hair and it has taken me some time to grow it to this length .
9 The laibon wants it understood that it has taken him some time to trace the trouble back to this incident .
10 Ellis has sent us some veal and ham pie and a few half-bottles of champagne : I must keep playing on his guilt .
11 Erm it would have been better if they 'd given you some information to say , They all voted for at least one
12 if I 'd got here a minute quicker I 'd got you some chocolate biscuits you could of been having with that cup of tea
13 She 'd tossed him some bait , and he 'd swallowed the rod .
14 ‘ I wish I had ; ‘ t would have given me some hope that you might come to care for me . ’
15 ‘ I had hoped that joining Derry would have given me some hunger back for the game but it just has n't happened , ’ said Doherty .
16 After missing him so desperately over the last six weeks it was more than she had ever dreamed of to find herself suddenly close to him again , and maybe by the time they reached their destination he would have given her some clue about the way he wanted things to be .
17 Dowd had stayed out of the Retreat all the time he 'd waited for Godolphin ( a wearisome three days ) even though it would have given him some measure of protection against the bitter cold .
18 They were both straining to reach , leaning forward as far as they could , agonisingly aware that the door and its ring handle that might have given them some leverage were out of their reach , when another sound fell on their ears .
19 That would have given you some idea of the way I work .
20 He was almost sure he must have ditched it some place .
21 How rude of me , I should have offered you some tea or coffee . ’
22 And once again Ric is attempting to go beyond the normal boundaries of cricket-writing : ‘ If I wanted to write a biography which was simply a record of CTB 's achievements I would have finished it some time ago .
23 ‘ I mean that it might have taken me some time to see through your ‘ innocent abroad ’ act .
24 The work of translation itself , quite apart from his grand conception of his purpose in undertaking it , must have afforded him some solace .
25 Cos our Corrinne must have fetched me some drinking chocolate she fetched me .
26 That was quite a nice dinner you ordered , though you need n't have been quite so Spartan — I 'm glad to see you 've allowed us some sugar with these raspberries — I appreciated your nuance of not having the fish just grilled .
27 Well , I 'm glad to have afforded you some amusement .
28 Now , I 've given you some cream to put on as well Anne .
29 When you 're preparing what you 're going to say , use notes , and I 've given you some guidance in the handout on using notes .
30 They had heard it some time before they reached it , the rumble of thunder growing louder as they approached , to become almost deafening at the point where a cloud of spray hovered overhead , the droplets becoming tiny rainbows as they caught the sun .
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