Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] and it " in BNC.

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1 But my sister , she has forgotten everything and it 's all just wasted .
2 But today he said : ‘ No-one has approached me and it 's mere speculation at the moment . ’
3 I say this because the Sloth so far has done nothing and it appears he does n't plan to do anything except now he is reading a James Michener book .
4 Then in the June issue reader Roger James says he has used it and it caused the rubber seals to swell and advise we check that rubber seals are compatible with silicon fluid .
5 She has got it and it was a lengthy letter so , but I thought it would be included in my birthday present
6 er I 'm slightly worried about the effect on the Olympic movement of Atlanta being chosen only in the sense that er that this is the , I think the sixth time in 25 years that a North American city has got it and it does look rather as if the er pressures are now , on the financial side , are now coming very much from the North American continent and I 'm not at all sure that that 's really good for the Olympic movement .
7 Well I then remembered that we 'd seen it and it 's in the grounds .
8 ‘ I 'd been involved in that plane near miss on the way to York which would have frightened anyone and it was hard to concentrate properly .
9 I hate to think how much money I have paid over to Anglia Gas if I 'd known what I was into I could have walked into that house then and I could , while I had all that money before I gave any away I could have said , right , I 'm going to have to spend that , that , that , that and that and I would have done it and it would have I would 've been alright because I would n't have had things going wrong !
10 For many years I 've hated you and it seems so — pointless . ’
11 Ample proof indeed that it had recognized them and it realized that it was the entrance to its home .
12 And for us to go forward that is the first major thing we need to do and I 'm appealing today that if people can give us two hours on Saturday morning or a Friday afternoon , we need people , we do n't need two people on a street corner cos we 've done it and it is it we do n't get the effect we want , because most people walk past us .
13 If you 've done it and it works , the next time you do it is ‘ Hi , Joe .
14 ‘ You can still have a wish , ’ said Zach , ‘ when you cut the cake , only you must n't talk till after you 've made it and it must remain a secret else it wo n't come true and … . ’
15 It was two and a half years since I had seen them and it gave me a lot of hope just to know that they were still in good shape , although they both looked much older .
16 It was as if she had said something and it had caused a click in his mind that brought down the shutters to keep her out .
17 In terms of your organization , I think we 've got something and it wo n't surprise you , a little bit more complicated than the normal Trebor Mint factory , or whatever .
18 But if you 've got it and it does n't matter , then you can really show it does n't matter .
19 If you find some if you realize you 've bought something and it 's faulty return it to the shop who sold it to you as soon as you can .
20 The winter floods had tumbled it and it lay half in , half out , of the water .
21 I thought for two days that the machine had swallowed it and it was only on the monday morning on the way to the bank that I found that it had miraculousloy reappeared in my wallet again .
22 And on other hand it 's probably been there , you 've bathed him and it 's just left it sore .
23 Already I was wishing I 'd never been to see Angy , even though I knew how much being estranged from his family had hurt him and it would mean a lot to him to get the ring back . ’
24 I simply say that on the debates we 've had on the Policing Bill , I 've learnt what the functions of your Noble House is all about and the speech that 's just been made from across the Chamber from me , sums up entirely my views on the matter , and I say to your Lordships House that on the basis of experience as Northern Ireland Secretary when one is a Home Secretary for a province and there 's a number of people in this House who 've had a job to do including the Noble Lord , The Noble Viscount Whitelaw who set the tone of the way we all proceeded , I accept that , the one of the things we had to do there was bring democracy back to policing and the primary force of policing is taking a long time to do and that here as Home Secretary , everything I learned there was , stop the growing centralisation and the weakening of the police authorities and police force and this Bill does exactly that But now one of the questions I 've asked myself and it 's the only point because all the points have been made that I really want to ask the Government is what are these appointees for ?
25 The education authority say they 've tried everything and it 's a national problem .
26 But probably a guard had spotted it and it was right now sitting in some staff-room in Queen Street station , or Gallanach .
27 I 've removed it and it 's certainly lead , but you 'll need an expert to tell you that it 's a .22 . ’
28 give it another growing and I just thought stupid plant , and I 've left it and it 's grown into a beautiful , , did n't call it which now is supposed to before the other way round .
29 The old man had spoiled her and it was high time that she faced facts .
30 And yet eve er quite a lot of people had mentioned it and it was well advertised .
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