Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 This was also the reality of the covert world , fuelled by information others did not know relayed by carriers whose real identity was hidden ; a world of secret agents , mystery papers , dreadful imaginings and improbable suspicions .
2 A publishing company , financed by Edinburgh District Council and the Wester Hailes Partnership in Edinburgh has collapsed with debts which are thought to run to over a quarter of a million pounds .
3 This present body of work is the closest that he has come to understanding what it is that attracts him to travel .
4 This present body of work is the closest that he has come to understanding what it is that attracts him to travel .
5 While sociology , and the sociology of knowledge in particular , are rooted in a social conception of man , the critique has come from positivism which is rooted in an individualistic , asocial , conception of man .
6 As women become increasingly involved in sports and aerobics activities , so the demand has grown for bras which offer moisture absorbing properties .
7 ‘ Local management of schools has done to education what opted-out hospitals has done for the NHS .
8 So far , section 4.4 has dealt with issues which are generally familiar to sociolinguists working in British , American or European urban communities .
9 Now they 're ready to go back to the wild , to a special purpose built set in Yorkshire which will be protected .
10 Focal places have already been considered , but much of the discussion in the past on settlement sites has concentrated on places which were in some way in competition with others for trade , communication or exchange activity .
11 In the agricultural sector , the self-interest of the state has led to policies which have favoured distorted exchange rates , consistently favouring government and the urban population at the expense of the incomes of rural families , and ultimately at the expense of marketed production .
12 He does , however , acknowledge that though " Conservative rhetoric is fundamentally consumerist rather than democratic , it has served to put the issue of school-parent relations near the centre of educational debate and has led to legislation which increases parental involvement " ( Jones 1989:120 ) .
13 At the end of the sixth book of The Faerie Queene , Spenser alludes to the troubles some of his earlier work has caused through slanders which provoked ‘ a mighty Peres displeasure ’ .
14 ICI 's programme has centred on alternatives which include the ‘ Klea ’ family of HFC refrigerants , which are ozone-benign and have an insignificant effect on global warming , as well as a range of non-fluorocarbon alternatives .
15 George Walsh , care manager , mental health , Surrey SSD : ‘ Legislation has put into law what is good practice .
16 This year Medau has returned to Cromer which in the days before Norfolk had any training scheme was the venue of the Medau Society 's Summer School .
17 That 's your muzzy book , you must n't si look come on watch what you 're doing right let's do it up , come here !
18 Furthermore , the same attitudes can become attached to concepts which , in origin , laid no claim to common ethnicity .
19 Most editors have become disillusioned with material which comes to them from PR sources .
20 The skills of boxing , fencing and riding made of Joyce what one observer called ‘ a thug of the first order ’ .
21 … to ensure that redundancy is not used as a pretext for getting rid of employees which some manager wishes to get rid of for some quite other reasons , eg … by reason of personal dislike .
22 However , in the novel 's final text the shapka becomes a peaked cap ( kartuz ) and Shaposhnikov 's name gets changed to Shatov which has nothing to do with caps or hats at all .
23 Patterns get established over time which colour present behaviour .
24 New York became conditioned to skyscrapers which were torn down after a few years ' life to be replaced by newer skyscrapers .
25 The fee was n't much , but Harford wanted a club in the south and that was it — not much consolation for Kendall , who knows he might well have done for Everton what he 's doing for Chelsea , helping to turn them into a real Premier League force .
26 She never could have done in Europe what she did in New York ; I can not think of an artist who points up this issue more clearly and I can not understand why she of all people was left out of the show .
27 It was very difficult for a court to say what a reasonable mother would have done in circumstances which were almost hypothetical .
28 It was very difficult for a court to say what a reasonable mother would have done in circumstances which are almost hypothetical .
29 Nevertheless Fraser McLuskey 's account of air crashes does suggest that the Maquis or the local French population in general would soon have known of planes which had come down in their territory , and that the Germans , when told of wrecks , did in fact bury the crews in identifiable graves .
30 A bird pecking at food grains could have known without learning what food looks like , or it could have learnt it .
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