Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [adj] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A survey has revealed nine out of ten properties in the area are unfit to live in by modern standards .
2 Whilst this approach has opened MDC up to the laissez-faire criticism of market interference , it creates a policy flexibility within which there is potential to engage with local authority and community imperatives .
3 As an eminent American economist once remarked , ‘ The Stock Market has anticipated 10 out of the last 3 recessions and 12 of the last 3 recoveries ! ’
4 Over this unimaginably ( for humans ) long time , each of the two lineages that branched from that remote ancestor has preserved 305 out of the 306 characters ( on average : it could be that one lineage has preserved all 306 of them and the other has preserved 304 ) .
5 It has its proponents , but has become all out of proportion , I feel , and needs to be put into correct perspective .
6 In all , London Underground has settled 60 out of 80 claims arising out of the disaster , to the tune of £2m .
7 What has brought this about at this point in the race is not the result of his lack of effort , but the computer which is the left-hand side of the brain , projecting against the inner screen of his mind , all his failures in past events .
8 Now she has followed this up with her second book , The Kitchen God 's Wife ( Flamingo , £5.99 , published April 23 ) , which is as powerful and moving as the first .
9 Er I I have to deal with I I say we must er Mr has put this in as number two on his list , which is local planning authority support .
10 The Government would like to privatise tracks as well , but has put this off until some point in the future .
11 After revising its own nuclear liability , BNFL has passed these on to the electricity industry in the form of new fixed price contracts .
12 Weld has left three in at the four day stage with Steel Chimes looking the most probable runner .
13 Of course , Jim had instantly seen what I 'd missed all along with my stupid envy .
14 He 'd pulled two out at random , but the one that he wanted would be the next on the route .
15 I too , was listening to radio 5 on Saturday and was utterly devastated to hear that we 'd gone 1–0 down with a couple of minutes to go , but at 2.7 million Deano saved the day .
16 No , I 'd have to have a radiator fitted and da you have to have that pump on , so I mean pump 'd gone all out of
17 They 'd followed that up by mounting a major surveillance job in London without clearing it with us or the Co-ordinator or anybody .
18 Now there are one or two little things in here which have become contradictory you look at it but he 'd alread he 'd passed this over to the fire service who were very happy with it
19 In the new government the Comité de forces vives held 14 out of 36 portfolios including that of Deputy Prime Minister , which went to Alfred Ramangasoavina , a close supporter of opposition leader Albert Zafy ( who remained outside the Cabinet ) , and the Finance and Education portfolios , which went to Evariste Marson and Fulgence Fanony .
20 Yet , even here , there is a puzzle , a strange , unplaceable something which does n't quite fit with that account of the gradual driving out of the reader and the suggestion of a steady shift towards the rare and the difficult , for I would guess that anyone not put off in advance by suspicion or hearsay , anyone that is who has got as far as dipping into Ulysses , say , will have come hard up against things that are startlingly , even discomfortingly , recognisable .
21 He believed that if ‘ 1 had played cricket as a ‘ gentleman ’ I should have made sufficient out of my ‘ expenses ’ to retire by now . ’
22 Anybody who saw ‘ Radio Radio ’ might have written that off as a rather self-indulgent film .
23 But having got that out of their systems , on ‘ X-Ray of a Girl ’ and ‘ Johnny Smoke ’ they went into interstellar overdrive , in search of cosmic WASTE .
24 I would n't normally say anything like this but having drawn 4 out of our last 5 games then I ca n't even see us qualifying for europe anymore .
25 I would n't normally say anything like this but having drawn 4 out of our last 5 games then I ca n't even see us qualifying for europe anymore .
26 Waringstown are disappointed at being back on the road in the Schweppes , having played four out of five matches away when winning the trophy last summer .
27 I 'm still a bit confused about erm sorry I should have brought this up at the time .
28 ‘ I do trust you , and I do love you , though perhaps I 'd never really have found that out without this test .
29 I should have thought you 'd have found that out by now . ’
30 As a trivial example , one student may have scored five out of ten on his arithmetic test by answering the five additions correctly and the five subtractions incorrectly while his/her friend is given the same score for precisely the converse performance !
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