Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [coord] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 It has been suggested that this norm has altered and that the courts will recognise as valid only legislation which has been passed by both houses and given the royal assent , has not been repealed expressly or by implication and which accords with our obligations under community law .
2 It is our conclusion that project objectives are in part being achieved through the growing interest in study skills to which the project has contributed but that the whole area of the relationship between information skills and the curriculum requires much more debate and thought both within the project and in the world of education generally .
3 When Margaret returns once more to Helstone , educated in reality by the industrial north , she is still grieved to find that it has disappeared and that a new one , tidy and respectable , has been built in its place .
4 Based on these figures it is clear that income inequality has increased and that the benefits of economic growth have not been evenly distributed .
5 Evidently in each sentence the purpose of the comma is to tell you that an unusually long subject has finished and that the verb is about to follow .
6 The general feeling that one gets from reading this novel is that nothing much has changed and that the cold-war machinations are still at play and are as irrelevant and as brutal as ever .
7 May I inform him , as he has not answered my question , that the same careers service says that nothing has changed and that the same number of young people will not get YTS places , that many of them are fed up with turning up , only to be told that nothing is available and that the continued recession and closures mean that hundreds of them will have nothing to do ?
8 He suspects the bills may never get sent and that the board will simply become ‘ inactive , ’ with the members content to let the newly constituted MIPS Technologies plot strategy and direction .
9 This was despite the fact that two state prosecutors in the Jesuit murder case had resigned and that the FMLN had recently ended a five-week military offensive in accordance with a further US congressional stipulation for the maintenance of the military aid ban .
10 This suggested that a heavier mesotron ( the pion ) had died and that the second branch of the L was due to its progeny — a muon .
11 It was obvious that a major disaster had occurred and that a massive rescue operation must be started as soon as possible .
12 Instinct told him something big and bad had occurred and that the moment he called Alix it would all be dumped on him .
13 It recommended that the concentration of Government Offices should take place on the site that Hunt had proposed and that an opportunity will be provided , ‘ without incurring any additional expense , to make a great opening from Whitehall to Westminster Abbey by erecting the new buildings on each side of such thoroughfare ’ .
14 Within the State Department it has been argued that two competing strategies — one ‘ Asian-oriented ’ and the other ‘ Europe-oriented ’ — had emerged and that the critical question was whether the US should have insisted on French concessions to Vietnamese nationalism as a condition of US support .
15 So it was a very happy Pow-wow the next week , when Trusty told of the exciting thing that had happened and that the Pack would be able to meet every week in Farmer Olinton 's loft .
16 Once the body had been viewed by members of the Privy Council and others to confirm that life had ceased and that the king was dead , word went out to summon the surgeons , apothecaries and wax chandlers ‘ to do their duties in spurging , cleansing , bowelling , searing , embalming , furnishing and dressing with spices the said corpse ’ .
17 At a press conference on April 22 after talks with the Amir , the US Secretary of State , James Baker , said that he had been assured that human rights abuses had ceased and that the government " would be pleased to invite human rights organizations to interview minorities — Palestinians and others " .
18 There was a widespread feeling that the old order — represented by Etonians such as Harold Macmillan and Sir Alec Douglas-Home — had passed and that the age of the scientifically minded technocrat had dawned .
19 It did not take much to reason that international capitalism had failed and that a new order must replace it .
20 The report by the all-party Commons home affairs committee yesterday on racial attacks and harassment finds that serious reported offences have declined but that the total of less serious incidents has increased .
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