Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] all [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Holy Spirit has broken through all the man-made obstacles , and has incorporated all types and backgrounds of people in the messianic community .
2 The hon. Gentleman must bear in mind what is happening elsewhere : unemployment has risen in all the Community countries except the Netherlands , in every country of the European Free Trade Association , and in every G7 country except Japan .
3 ‘ The bypass will bring environmental benefits by taking away through traffic and by allowing the regeneration of the market-place , which has suffered from all the traffic .
4 The poet has ascended through all the regions of Hell and Purgatory , and now at last , on the threshold of Paradise , comes to his long-expected reunion with Beatrice .
5 Once his appearance has been changed to identify him with the group ( it may be dyeing his hair shocking pink or wearing a big badge ) , then not only will other people assume that he has agreed to all the ideas and implications of the movement but he himself will be more likely to feel this to be true , even to throw all doubt to the four winds without further investigation .
6 Recently this competition has intensified as all the main exchanges introduced new products , often competing head on with London 's new contracts .
7 Rio Tinto has bought into all the mines only in the past few years ; and it has its sights set on expansion .
8 Growth in industrial production has slowed in all the world 's leading economies , with the UK and the US worst hit .
9 He has played with all the major London symphony and chamber orchestras .
10 The Director of Public Prosecutions has asked for all the relevant papers on the nine British soldiers killed by so-called friendly fire in the Gulf .
11 It is , however , sometimes imprudent for the investigating authority to release every scrap of information it has gained before all the implications are examined , in case more damage results .
12 ‘ There 's a strange train on the line coming this way and it has run through all the fogs without setting them off . ’
13 Steve Cooney , the almost legendary ace guitarist from Australia , has worked with all the Irish greats — Stockton 's Wing , Jimmy McCarthy , De Danann and Christy Moore — to name but four — and he 's constantly in demand as a record producer .
14 Finally , when he has taken in all the information he can assimilate , after a dramatic ‘ I will go ’ or after waking one morning knowing that the problem has solved itself in his sleep , he applies for his visa , resigns his job , packs his bags .
15 But what has happened to all the bright promises ?
16 " And she has good reason to say so when she looks at what has happened to all the rest of them . "
17 ( 10 ) If the property is leasehold : ( a ) please confirm that the seller has complied with all the covenants in the lease ; ( b ) does the seller know whether any items of substantial expenditure for decoration , maintenance or repair have been carried out by the lessors recently but not yet charged to tenants , or are any such contemplated in the near future ? ( 11 ) Is the seller aware of any overriding interest under the Land Registration Act 1925 , s70(1) ? ( 12 ) Please confirm : ( a ) that all gas and electrical installations are the seller 's absolute property and are included in the purchase price ; ( b ) that the electric light installations down to the bulb holders will be left intact ; ( c ) that all furniture , furnishings and fittings not included in the sale and all rubbish will be removed before completion .
18 ‘ Apparently none of their allen keys would fit the screws , ’ explained Andy , who has ridden at all the world 's top circuits during his 16 year career .
19 Over the last fraction of his 34 years ' experience in the hobby , Chris has dispensed with all the traditional off the shelf treatments and remedies for fish and has turned to ‘ natural medicine ’ , centred mainly around the use of herbs — with great success .
20 Escaping from under the pillow on the bed was the hem of a caftan , the soft kind he 'd slept in all the time I 'd known him .
21 Tammuz made hir wait until SHe 'd wriggled through all the tables to the door .
22 She 'd gone through all the usual phases : rock fan magazines , writing to film stars , sometimes getting back a photo with a printed signature , usually not .
23 If a new kitten is brought into the home the old cat may feel slighted by all the attention the newcomer is receiving .
24 It was a day lying hidden among all the other days of the year , so that she noticed nothing when it came round , and did not know what week , month , season or year it would be .
25 They must have got rid of all the junk they could find in their store-rooms .
26 If we 'd seen it coming sooner then er we would perhaps not have got started on all the many schemes are actually on site .
27 We got rid of all the rubbish , put it in and started packing and erm about five minutes later the man from next door came out .
28 Under the 26 years of his ICM Presidency , KRC exercised a benign and constructive influence , which ensured that the ICM became recognised by all the professional bodies .
29 Well we went into the Rifle Brigade Barracks at Winchester and used to work out at a big house outside of Winchester so we had to march out there and then at the time of Dunkirk , they were looking for places to put all the soldiers that they 'd brought and er , we were cleared out of Barnet , er out of Winchester Barracks and posted up to Nottingham and we worked in the factory , which was taken over by the Army then and erm , and then whilst there , I suppose that was about nineteen what , about nineteen fo coming up to nineteen forty two , they decided to have a recheck or rethink on medicals , so we were all subject to another medical and they put me back to A one and says , right we 're getting rid of all A one personnel out of the Pay Corp , you have a choice Royal Army Ordnance Corp or the Royal Artillery .
30 erm , Mr knows when he talked about getting rid of all the a ho , our homes that of course , we 're not allowed to get rid of all of our homes , if we were the Tories would have moved it years ago .
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