Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am delighted that the CNAA has developed into such a sturdy institution in such a relatively short time .
2 HAVING considered the tort of nuisance , we now turn to a further tort which had its origins in nuisance but which has developed in such a way that it is now quite distinct from it .
3 So far as the scope of the duty in the offences of assault , resistance and obstruction is concerned , the law has developed in such a way that the obligation is not confined to duties stricto sensu , i.e. something that the officer is compelled by law to do .
4 It will question NAB 's assertion that the value of the brewery operations has fallen to such a level that asset-backed loans are in jeopardy .
5 In 1990 the level of manufactured exports destined for the Soviet Union has fallen to such an extent that it no longer features in Scotland 's Top 40 markets .
6 It is disheartening to come to terms with the fact that your metabolism has adjusted to such a small calorie intake , and as a result your weight is unlikely to change .
7 It was lack of space on the ground floor of the Richelieu wing which I.M. Pei has redesigned in such a way as to supply maximum visibility , which inspired the department of sculpture to split their collections into French and foreign .
8 By this time , the Prince 's obsession with caves has grown to such a fever pitch that his servants are barely given time to unpack his toothbrush before he spies another gash in the rock , this time many countless miles away .
9 The European dimension has grown to such a level that a dedicated European unit is being established .
10 As Falk points out , Builder himself has argued for such a shift ( Builder , 1979 ) .
11 ‘ However , they are also concerned that others do not suffer as their family has done with such an error being made about health care .
12 I am glad to say that the Council of Mortgage Lenders has agreed to such an arrangement .
13 ‘ Australian racing has benefited from such a system and it would keep money in the game instead of it going to the big bookmaking firms who channel the cash into their other businesses .
14 My mental health has deteriorated to such an extent that I had to be admitted to hospital and am currently on sedation .
15 that the respondent has behaved in such a way that the petitioner can not reasonably be expected to live with him ( or her ) ;
16 that the respondent has behaved in such a way that the applicant can not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent ; or
17 That the respondent has behaved in such a way that the petitioner can not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent .
18 To get the divorce you have to show that your wife has behaved in such a way that you ‘ can not reasonably be expected ’ to live with her .
19 It has been the combined effect of these changes — both on income and capital — that has led to such a growing polarization in living standards between different social groups that a new pattern of class inequalities is becoming apparent .
20 I think perhaps if I just add a point to that er although we have as four nations agreed on the revised requirement there , I believe it 's true to say that development has progressed to such an extent that probably we will have the original requirement in practice , even though we 've no longer specified it .
21 It is not only the Conservative party that has asked for such an explanation ; Labour supporters and sympathisers have done so as well .
22 ‘ The biggest switch was from corporate clients to retail ones , although this industry has gone through such a massive change from the quill pen to integrated telephone systems with computers . ’
23 Over the years it has gone on such a long time .
24 Well a very ordinary thing has happened there , but it has happened on such an extraordinary scale that I think it 's worth saying .
25 Oh my darling , I am too happy and excited to be able to write all the things I want to say to you , so much is crowding in , so much has happened in such a short while and I want to pin down some of this marvellous feeling before it all rushes by and becomes more accepted — because , Betty , I do feel that we accept each other , there is a tolerance , a straightness between us that makes it all possible .
26 The , the longer and more and less precise answer would be presumably , human psychology has evolved in such a way , as to allow us to make those kind of judgments that would normally be reliable .
27 During the same time , the size and the shape of the company has changed to such a point that some of our assets are no longer meaningful to us as one of the world 's leading independent exploration and production companies .
28 I think few of us could avoid becoming attached to such a fish !
29 While it is appreciated that the contract — as contained in the works ' rules , etc — can contain such a provision , one wonders whether industrial tribunals should feel bound by such a provision .
30 I did n't really blame you for not wanting me to come near you , but it was n't a particularly pleasant experience to realise that I 'd put someone I 'd loved through such an appalling time .
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