Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] must be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Roof panels had also distorted and must be replaced .
2 Two amending Directives to the Fourth Directive have been adopted and must be implemented by 1 January 1993 .
3 The SPR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SPR .
4 The SSR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SSR .
5 Meconium is the foal 's faecal material that has built up in the rectum before foaling and sometimes gets quite firm and impacted and must be passed within the first 24-hours of life .
6 It should be worth waiting for the last in which Mick Ryan 's Les Amis ( 3.40 ) is well drawn and must be fancied on her two lengths defeat of Quinta Royale at Folkestone .
7 It is therefore time now that the policy about this be reassessed and that the government acknowledges that this threat now exists and must be addressed .
8 All users are asked to adjust to the idea that work , once entered into LIFESPAN , can not be retracted but must be made harmless in some other way .
9 Continuous tones can not be reproduced in that form for printing but must be screened to translate the image into dots .
10 ‘ Even salmon , ’ he assured me , ‘ but of course those are protected and must be thrown back .
11 Nevertheless every choreographer creating this kind of romantic ballet today has to spend much time creating the proper gestures to replace the words , which in such ballets are never spoken but must be understood .
12 Thus corruption can not be reformed but must be destroyed .
13 Zeolite and many of the resins become fully charged and must be soaked in salt water , or better still have a steady trickle of salt water running to waste through them to recharge them .
14 It can not be recharged and must be thrown away after use .
15 Under the London Dumping Convention , military dumping is allowed but must be notified to the convention 's secretariat .
16 They also heard the chairman of the STUC energy committee , Harry McLevy , spell out the grounds for continued investment , arguing that the case for nuclear power is so big it can not be ignored and must be incorporated into any energy policy for Scotland. ,
17 Over recent years we have become increasingly alarmed by the dramatic growth in aggregates demand and the assumption that this growth will continue and must be catered for .
18 Over recent years we have become increasingly alarmed by the dramatic growth in aggregates demand and the assumption that this growth will continue and must be catered for .
19 Rather conflict must be controlled and must be utilized profitably in order to create more and better cultural means of living and working together ’ ( 1967 : xi ) .
20 The business has responded by stopping trading in one subsidiary and shuffling its activities among other companies , but Mr Hagger says that there are genuine creditors who need to be paid and must be paid if his business is to survive .
21 The circle is squared with the statement that ‘ environmental controls are vital to the acceptability of opencast coal working and must be adhered to if sites are to meet current environmental standards ’ .
22 Ally did n't train and must be rated very doubtful at this stage .
23 They believe that its production through force-XXXX feeding to fatten the geese , amounts to torture and must be stopped .
24 The appeal provisions are , however , different in that in such an action , leave to appeal is required and must be obtained within seven days of the date of judgement .
25 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
26 The pleadings are somewhat convoluted but must be referred to because they contain the facts , as is normal in a demurrer .
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