Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] which [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When this happened , however , even the traditional features became more stereotyped because choreographers used only those which the audience could easily recognise and which were commonly seen and heard in a particular country .
2 Although there was an ‘ official ’ village community within which landowners , farmers and clergy were included and which was occasionally celebrated in traditional ( and public ) rituals and ceremonies , there was another community , a locally based working-class sub-culture , which excluded ‘ them ’ in authority .
3 He realized that there was a whole way of life of the people in India which he would never get to know and which was totally indifferent to him and his concerns .
4 Her own family of four children was divided along ideological lines : one daughter was editor of the newspaper La Prensa , which Violeta herself owned and which was openly critical of the Sandinista government ; the other daughter was a Sandinista diplomat ; one son was editor of the Sandinista party newspaper Barricada ; and the other son , Pedro Joaquín Chamorro , was formerly a leader of the contra directorate .
5 Recent cases have explored the extension of industrial building relief to some categories of buildings that have never been occupied but which were clearly capable of industrial use .
6 And , if the situation with regard to individual psychological development and the evolution of culture is as I have represented it , then this is merely the first of many profound insights into the psychology of the ego — and perhaps most especially the superego — which can be expected but which were totally unobtainable as long as the individualistic fallacy blocked the way .
7 Services Marketing Strategy — for marketers of products that can not be touched or seen and which are highly dependent on people for the quality of output .
8 The Story of the Fraserburgh Lifeboats takes a similar look at the Fraserburgh lifeboat station , which had one of the first lifeboats to be built and which was also the first RNLI lifeboat station in Scotland .
9 Arguing that a dominant group may be so well entrenched that it is unaware of any potential challenge , Lukes points to the importance of socially and culturally patterned behaviour , to ways of acting and thinking which are taken for granted and which are rarely exposed to serious challenge .
10 But this instance apart , there were presumably some official functions which the sites in this category possessed and which were physically concentrated within the defences and probably unrelated to local needs .
11 Lucy , all this time , was still sitting on the verandah surrounded by her cartridge-making tools and weeping bitterly as she looked at the neat rows of cartridges she had made and which were no longer needed .
12 It helps if you know which sounds are easy to see and which are more difficult ( shown on charts Pages 61 and 72 ) .
13 The accolade focused specifically on the ceramic dome tweeter that Wharfedale have developed and which is now , incidentally , fitted to the ‘ C ’ version of the Harewood model .
14 The Group retains a strong concern with the traditional macro-economic issues of fiscal and monetary policy , inflation , the exchange rates for sterling , UK trade policy and aggregate employment which its UK model was first designed to elucidate and which are still in certain respects important subjects of controversy at the analytic level ( although there seems to have been some convergence of short-term and even medium-term conditional predictions ) .
15 His decision to use it as the basis for a grand narrative painting can be aligned with the revival of interest in Victoriana which the Festival of Britain had stimulated and which was especially noticeable in the graphic section of the Design School at the Royal College .
16 To be concerned simply for Jesus ' message , a message which anyone could have preached and which is now acknowledged quite independently of the person who preached it , is not to hold a Christian position .
17 The latter was particularly appealing because it was a new industry , where few vested interests existed but which was nonetheless important for the future .
18 So weaving is ideal if you have a yarn you want to use but which is too thick for your machine in the normal way .
19 How , for example , have CMHTs managed to resolve a number of broad problems — ones which were well known and which were uncontentiously accepted by policy-makers and practitioners alike .
20 The building society advanced £15,000 to the Hammonds on the security of the charge which they executed and which was subsequently registered .
21 The Cretaceous period , in which they thrived but which was also marked by accelerated evolutionary trends that would ultimately make them extinct , is long even on the scale geologists use to measure history — 70 million years .
22 One of these became the General Forces Programme , which soon provided the light entertainment and relaxation which the Forces clearly wanted and which were easily justified by their importance to morale .
23 Implicitly it is conceptualized in terms of the personal behaviours which individuals indulge and which are well recognized as risk factors for various diseases .
24 The alleged plot was said to have consisted of five so far unsolved supermarket killings in which 28 people died and which were apparently carried out by a clandestine right-wing movement to discredit the state [ see also p. 34893 ] .
25 In non-western countries the model of health care which has been imported and which is still often considered to be optimal is one based on the same medical model .
26 The equity method is generally used for a holding of 20-50% of the outstanding voting shares ( that is , shares which have been issued and which are currently held by shareholders ) because it is assumed , on the basis of this level of ownership , that an investor has the ability to exert significant influence in the affairs of the company .
27 The fact that Karajan was a man of considerable good humour , with a fund of musical anecdotes and a talent for musical mimicry , does not obscure the existence of that more private self that Steiner claims to have glimpsed and which was also evident in Karajan 's long-standing preoccupation with skiing , flying , and sailing , activities not of some rich playboy , but of a person who since childhood had been uneasy with gregariousness and the urban life .
28 To die from a bullet seems to be nothing ; parts of our being remain intact ; but to be dismembered , torn to pieces , reduced to pulp , this is a fear that flesh can not support and which is fundamentally the great suffering of the bombardment …
29 While both agreed on condemnation of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , they could not agree on any common wording regarding the deployment of Western troops in the Gulf , which Syria supported but which was strongly attacked by Iranian hardliners .
30 There are a few works which I would have loved to have borrowed but which were simply too fragile to travel , and there were works which were prohibited by reasons of the terms under which they were given to a particular collection , the Barnes Foundation , for example .
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