Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] had to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of dying by the age of about 40 , more were living to an age at which they could not continue to work and had to be supported .
2 Some were catapulted out of smashed windows , while others were trapped and had to be cut free .
3 property uneconomical to repair and had to be demolished .
4 All the pumps were frozen and had to be freed with burning straw .
5 Even the original factory chimney was designed as an Egyptian obelisk , though this subsequently cracked and had to be replaced by something rather more conventionally Victorian .
6 To add to the problems , gas welding cylinders were in danger of exploding and had to be carried out by firemen and placed in water .
7 Even so , such crowds gathered that in parts of Lower Bavaria and the upper Palatinate halls reserved for the ceremonies were overfilled and had to be closed off by the police .
8 Members of Spencers family began shouting and had to be restrained .
9 There was a bit of a fuss because a Crewe player was flat out on the ground injured and had to be carried off afterwards , but it was all over by that point anyway , really .
10 The driver of that car was injured and had to be cut free … two people in a second car which hit the transporter 's tractor unit are also hurt
11 ‘ The original walls were so badly damaged they could not be saved and had to be pulled down because the stone had become non load-bearing .
12 They used to cost about two hundred pounds in those days and that was a heck of a sum in those days you know that sort of thing , how much they cost and had to be careful of them and all that .
13 Aline choked and had to be banged on the back .
14 Oliver choked and had to be thumped on the back .
15 Experience has shown that anomalies arose and had to be addressed and that caused massive administrative complications .
16 Nestorius himself refused to attend and had to be given protection by imperial troops .
17 Several items Iris had arranged to be flown in proved to have been wrongly listed and had to be sent back .
18 But by the time they were back in Hollywood to do interiors at Paramount Studios , she deteriorated and had to be replaced by Elizabeth Taylor .
19 Five of the 50 cartons were damaged and had to be returned to a workshop in Essex for repair .
20 Notre Dame in Paris suffered greatly in the Revolution of 1789 when much of its sculpture was badly damaged and had to be replaced by Viollet-le-Duc and others .
21 The railway 's team crane , which was part of a demonstration goods train at the time , turned from game-keeper to poacher as it became derailed and had to be rescued by another crane .
22 Two of his new windows , big ones , have warped and had to be redone .
23 Success rates were higher when names of shapes were provided and had to be matched with pictures of real objects in the forms of a cylinder , prism , cuboid and some pyramids .
24 The aircraft were ranged on the decks before dawn , but on ‘ Furious ’ the first Fulmar failed to start and had to be put below .
25 Hurieh El Darrawish , pregnant and suffering from renal colic and anaemia , was threatened with rape and beaten until she collapsed and had to be taken to hospital .
26 Adopted without a vote on Nov. 22 , part B of Resolution 44/27 expressed the conviction that the system of apartheid could not be reformed and had to be eliminated , leading to the establishment of a united , non-racial and democratic South Africa .
27 The ground was cropped until it was exhausted and had to be left for a few years to recuperate .
28 The tap connections needed to be changed , the old wall brackets did n't match and had to be replaced and , finally , the tiled surround shaped carefully around the original basin now had unsightly gaps and needed retiling .
29 Assembling slaves required capital , or at least credit , to get started , and the slaves had to be trained and had to be watched in case they rebelled .
30 Even in his defence of Needham , Dr Chapman admits that at one mill more than a third of the apprentices died , absconded or had to be returned and only two out of 780 apprentices recruited were later employed as adult workers .
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