Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ We can therefore expect , on government logic , local Conservative Associations to be taken over by business ratepayers bent on winning control of councils to promote spending on services and goods they either supply or would benefit them .
2 It would help to reduce the caseload and so permit the conditions of the Patient 's Charter to be met and would make it possible for consultants to be more involved in the routine care of patients , both emergency and elective , and so diminish the responsibilities of junior doctors for service commitment .
3 In the note she said she was on her way to Pollensa as arranged and would phone him later .
4 She had just told him she was tired of waiting and would find someone else .
5 For the time being he would not merely stay but would redouble his efforts to understand .
6 Francie , especially , she loved and would help her aunt gladly to mend his clothes .
7 Accordingly , he believes , as do many other polytechnic directors , that by giving their institution charters to award degrees and other qualifications within carefully defined limits , substantial savings in time and resources would result and their distinctive approach to higher education would be affirmed and would find its fullest expression .
8 Even when his ankle was much improved , the fracture knitting itself together most satisfactorily , she still went and would find him hobbling around the conservatory which was raw and bright , being still too new for the vines and jasmines to have masked its bare white ribs .
9 If you do n't know other families nearby , though , you could find out if there 's any local interest in starting one by putting a notice up in your health centre , local nurseries , mum toddler groups , schools and shop windows — anywhere mums regularly go and would see it .
10 In Chester one shop had one copy left and would save it for me if I could get there that afternoon .
11 This therefore was entirely the work of Stirling , Brunel and Burn , although Stanhope and Roberts agreed to concur with what the others wrote and would add their signatures .
12 He remained keen on jiving and would throw himself all over the place , hair wild and eyes sparkling .
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