Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [vb past] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The bowler approached and grunted with effort as he released the ball .
2 So , when Rune 's English gave way to Danish once more , she made her own translation of the words , inventing the compliments and vows she wanted to hear , feeling her pulse respond more rapidly still as his voice deepened and shook with fervour .
3 Although booted and plastered with mud and out of temper with herself and with him , she deposited him at the drawbridge of Sigouri in just over an hour .
4 From 1940 , when he made his first broadcast as a quiz-master in the BBC radio series Ack , Ack , Beer , Beer , he was a constant broadcaster and in 1943 , by then stationed at the Air Ministry in London , he created and wrote with Squadron Leader Richard Murdoch the long-running radio series Much Binding in the Marsh , a take-off of a fictitious RAF station .
5 The dog whined and squirmed with pleasure , jumping up at the two women in turn .
6 Stephenson roared and howled with laughter , slapping his thigh and stamping in the mud .
7 Nurses and doctors , oblivious to the scene around them , came and went with pills and potions , drips and plasma .
8 We sent for Dr Mortimer , who came and sat with Sir Henry throughout the night .
9 You had to tell yourself , again and again , that there were links between all the little homes , filaments that tensed and hummed with power when the time came .
10 For the hundredth time her insides twisted and shivered with excitement .
11 They hooped and hollered with john Wayne , Sitting Bull , Doris Day and Jack Palance , thirsty for the shooting and the scalping , riding hell for leather through gorges and down hillsides .
12 He ate and drank with relish , pointing out a fishing boat leaving Sligo harbour , remarking how Rosses point across the bay had safe bathing while here you could n't stand in the water without feeling the currents pushing the sand out from under your feet .
13 His First from Cambridge was followed by a short career in the Civil Service , commercial experience with IBM , and work with another search firm before he joined John Stork and met and worked with Saxton .
14 He and Odd-Knut shovel away the snow to reach the ice , making a large hole about a metre deep , and Nathan jumps in and starts to brace and bit with enthusiasm .
15 The hotel is simple and informal , but attractively furnished and fulled with plants and offers excellent value for money .
16 All of it , the tinsel and the trees , the hurrying shoppers with their packages wrapped in shiny paper , the children queuing to visit Santa Claus , the Star of Bethlehem on the roof of Blackler 's store , below which at dusk a crowd gathered and sighed with wonder as light ran through its six points and burned against the sky , made Stella more unhappy than ever .
17 Panel ( C ) : The blot used in panel ( a ) was stripped and reprobed with Ea 695 ( P/K ) and the signal on the filter compared using a PhosphorImager .
18 It was swollen and tinted with blue .
19 There have been opaque days , when the sky was heaped and blizzarded with snow , and yet the snow did not fall .
20 Most colleges are walled or fenced with guards at the gates .
21 Clark capitulated and stayed with Virgin , on the grounds that idiosyncrasy and fun were worth more than conventional careerism .
22 Once , when I was hand-feeding peanuts to six badgers at a sett in the east of England that had been watched and provisioned with food regularly for more than 30 years , the badgers were scared off merely by a distant snapping twig and the far-off murmur of voices .
23 He preserved against threats from all quarters his claims to patronage in order to support a rapidly growing number of servants , whose loyalty he protected and encouraged with writs of prohibition and seizures of episcopal temporalities .
24 He sighed and panted with effort as he bustled around , the very picture of a harassed domestic .
25 The rich shade of the material brought out the glow of her cheeks and her dark eyes shone and danced with pleasure to be home .
26 These sections were both glued and screwed together , the base within the sides , the screw holes countersunk and infilled with putty .
27 Depending on the rock type , the tunnel is either self supporting or shored with metal arches and stabilised by spraying the walls with concrete .
28 Between the block and the house you could just see the walls of the walled garden , flint-built , crossed and coped with brick-work .
29 Briefly , DNA was extracted and incubated with sodium dodecyl sulfate ( SDS ) and RNase at 37°C for three hours .
30 Whatever their private political opinions ( in many cases left-wing ) , they collected and published with dedication and enthusiasm exciting new evidence which forced informed European opinion to discard the hackneyed image of the poor , benighted savage .
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