Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Over the centuries the title of Count has passed from family to family as old dynasties withered away , intermarried or perished in battle .
2 Instead of being coerced or bludgeoned into submission , the Celtic Church was simply subsumed .
3 As unification approached many of the 4,250 prisoners in East German prisons rioted or went on rooftop protests or hunger strike in support of demands for a general amnesty on Oct. 3 .
4 Sets of spaces found not to conform to their specified relationships can be redefined or repositioned in order to reestablish those relationships .
5 Thus , classical structuralism , with its cold , formal impersonality , occurs as a reaction to the 1940s existentialist emphasis on the individual ego ; and becomes itself overturned or deconstructed by poststructuralist ‘ playfulness ’ .
6 In order to avoid this result the draftsman should define a reference to an Act of Parliament etc as including a reference to that Act etc as amended or re-enacted from time to time .
7 I do not believe it is merely the result of social conditioning that in the Scriptures , in the Jewish and Christian tradition , mankind and the Church is presented as feminine to God , to whom our response must be one of obedience in contrast to those religions in which the divine is regarded as contained within creation and is to be manipulated or cajoled in order to provide what man needs .
8 Many were poisoned or trapped as crop raiders , and if anyone needed an incentive , high prices were paid for skins .
9 Hamburg , for example , has about 30–40 per cent of its road system designated as 50 km/h main streets , with all of the remaining non-industrial roads designated or planned as Tempo 30 .
10 Essentially it is the ultimate perfection — a hostile critic might say ‘ emasculation ’ — of Netherland polyphony , its florid elements pruned , its dissonances disguised or mollified by preparation and other devices which so lend themselves to codification that ‘ the style of Palestrina ’ has become the ideal model for students of sixteenth-century composition .
11 It does not necessarily call for an ethical content , so facts are often distorted or falsified for self-interest .
12 ‘ Incremental ’ causes transfer of only that data which has been modified or added to LIFESPAN since data of that same type was last transferred .
13 Incremental — only transfer information which has been modified or added to LIFESPAN since the last transfer for that type
14 ( The soup can not be reheated once the yoghurt and egg yolk have been added ; if the soup is to be frozen or refrigerated before use , do not add the yoghurt and egg yolk until just before serving . )
15 Of those , 35 were liquidated or went into receivership , 38 were sold at a loss , and only 29 were sold at a price that returned the initial taxpayers ' investment .
16 Unless otherwise stated , differences reported between teams were statistically significant at the 0.05 level , sometimes with variables collapsed or dichotomized in view of small cell sizes .
17 The conclusion seems to be that where one wishes the UCTA not to apply , one should , where possible , by observing the relevant conflict of law rules , create a contract genuinely governed by a foreign proper law , so that there is no need for an express choice of law clause which can be attacked or negated under s 27(2) .
18 The Guild members were not asked about birth control in the questionnaire that elicited these letters , so it is all the more surprising that twenty women volunteered the information that they either used or approved of contraception .
19 Bridges across the River Thames were gradually being constructed , but the one nearest to the estuary had to be so constructed as to permit the tall ships entering the London Docks , to pass under , so the Tower Bridge was designed and opened in June of 1894 .
20 The bowler approached and grunted with effort as he released the ball .
21 The television was not very good and the voice crackled and faded from time to time .
22 The city at night intimidated me : the piss-heads , bums , derelicts and dealers shouted and looked for fights .
23 As the remaining renegades shouted and cheered from shore , the noise woke local residents and members of the official party who dutifully called the coast guard .
24 Angel proceeded to put on an incredible display of histrionics , peacock-blue eyes flashing , nostrils flaring above his furiously pouting mouth , as he shouted and swore at Alejandro .
25 ‘ Going about , ’ he shouted and watched in amazement the crazed proficiency of the little cocaine addict leaping back into the cockpit to winch the genoa sheet in .
26 So , when Rune 's English gave way to Danish once more , she made her own translation of the words , inventing the compliments and vows she wanted to hear , feeling her pulse respond more rapidly still as his voice deepened and shook with fervour .
27 Other mandarins in bright silk gowns , booted and bonneted like Tran Van Hieu , were hurrying through the ornamental gardens towards the palace .
28 Although booted and plastered with mud and out of temper with herself and with him , she deposited him at the drawbridge of Sigouri in just over an hour .
29 The most recent record is of one caught and ringed at Beachy Head on 15 April 1968 .
30 They had just partaken of ‘ bile beer ’ , as brewed and purveyed by Matt ‘ the tube ’ Crowley .
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