Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All business activity is related either explicitly in terms of the way in which functions are organised or implicitly by the business system .
2 As with Brian , and I hope myself , Terry worked on these areas to try and even off the rough edges .
3 The last word was stressed and almost on a growl .
4 To tell us things are happening and certainly on the press release it made erm it was there in black and white to say that
5 Powder systems either have a facility to pressurise the detergent drum , into which water is fed to solubilize the powder which is then fed by air pressure to the dispenser pump , or sachet filled hoppers which are auger fed into a chamber where water is mixed and thence to the delivery pump .
6 Assuming the nearest psychiatric clinic is unavailable , then yer friendly local fire hazard — in this case over-cooked and rapidly on the turn — provides the ideal circumstantial boost to these oh-so-desperate , suicidally unhappy songs .
7 ‘ as from the date when the tenant 's estate and interest in the lease shall be assigned to it pursuant to the licence hereinbefore contained and thenceforth during the residue of the term granted by the lease the assignee will pay the rent thereby reserved and observe and perform the covenants and conditions on the part of the lessee therein contained and in particular without prejudice to the foregoing the assignee will not assign or transfer underlet or part with possession of the premises demised by the lease without the consent in writing of the landlord for that purpose had and obtained .
8 Just over three years later , in 1985 , the block was lifted but only in the wake of clearance for a rival bid , launched days earlier .
9 Recapturing the city for humans on foot would bring immense benefits not only to those walking but also for the ambience and environment of the city ( Figure 8.7 ) .
10 I listened but if it 's of no evidential value there is no point in listening because I 've got so much on my mind at that time erm to sort out that threat in there that I certainly ca n't recall what was exactly said or even along the lines of what was said .
11 The products are good enough to need little in the way of revamping and apart from the odd addition to the range or a change of packaging little of any interest happens to the product .
12 I had only pretended I did n't know , preferring to see things as I would like them to be , rather than as they were , imprisoning myself in a ramshackle edifice of lies because I could n't bear to knock it down and start again , shivering and alone in a great expanse of sand .
13 They all had their pictures done and eventually over a period of about a year , she actually did a portrait of everybody in the Home .
14 It is quite another matter to be told what taxes to pay and how much unemployment is to be suffered and then as an afterthought to be informed that there is to be no democratic redress .
15 None came and still under the drug 's influence at dawn , he found himself looking out from the top of a forty-foot tree — he had no memory of climbing it — and looking down on a vast meadow , flecked with patterns of multi-coloured light and rocks which turned into horses , all of which filled him with ‘ tremendous emotions ’ .
16 Hence , the element of mystery has to be introduced in the way that the scene is shot and particularly in the way that it is lit .
17 Roger in his comfortable jacket , his hair receding and long at the back , the foetal guitar in his arms , singing a song about buffalo .
18 This momentum throughout the industry was difficult to halt and later in the 1970s with the second oil shock and over capacity of 40 per cent , an added pressure element came from a weak US dollar which allowed relatively cheap American products on to the market on this side of the Atlantic .
19 many of the children came from homes where the houses were decent , where the wages were good , and where , apparently , the state of the children was not due to any real defect in the conditions under which they were living but simply to the heedlessness , the shiftlessness , the carelessness and the ignorance of the mothers .
20 The level of demand is to do not only with the tasks as they are done but also with the duration for which they must continue to be done .
21 Where the words used by Parliament are obscure or ambiguous , the Parliamentary material may throw considerable light not only on the mischief which the Act was designed to remedy but also on the purpose of the legislation and its anticipated effect .
22 The use of contract armies to fight the war depended , of course , not just upon the readiness of men to serve but also upon the willingness of parliament to vote taxes to pay for the war .
23 There were in this dingy , badly heated studio , moments of rare artistic quality of a kind that occurs but rarely in a century ’ .
24 And so the very next day Helen told us of a night time that he was gon na stay and early in the morning he come back door with some papers and I said oh take well it never comes to more than six pound ninety or seven pound fifty but he calls it .
25 I felt responsible because I encouraged him to be in the group in the first place , I persuaded him to stay when he wanted to go and yet in the end we asked him to leave , ’ says Gedge .
26 Not because we adhere to some outdated idea that to be commercial is to be tainted and somehow of no interest , but we felt we were redressing an imbalance .
27 Having decided that the doctrine of automatic determination ( ie determination of a contract solely at the will of the party who was guilty of a wrongful repudiatory breach ) did not exist , even in employment contracts , Megarry V-C concluded that as the breach had not been accepted by the innocent party then the contract subsisted and therefore for the period which it had to run — circa four and a half years — the defendant was bound by its terms .
28 In theory , the captain of a ship was entitled to take into his ship as midshipmen , volunteers , or captain 's servants any of the sons of his friends who hoped for a naval career , but in practice even this form of entrance patronage was limited and largely in the hands of flag-officers , for it would be a captain with a liking for half-pay who would refuse the requests of an influential admiral .
29 Er we left at er seventeen minutes to two erm having explained that er we have put a very respectable budget on the table er which was prudence as prudence personified er and that was something we felt the other two groups of the Liberal Democrats were the only ones there at the time er besides them do that we 'd er I have to say to chairman that er the voted it is now being cobbled together er by the other two groups is eight hundred thousand pounds plus er in excess of the budget which the Conservative Group would want to see and just for the record , it 's about the same sum of money that we 've been saving on the fire cover in
30 This produced a spectacular decline in the number of birds successfully reared and eventually in the total population of adult birds .
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