Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [conj] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the Diaspora , our Jewish people have been inclined to sit back and think that the battle has been won and that in a little while we Jews will have our National Home in our Promised Land .
2 Brynner 's life in America is better known : the movies , some outstanding , like The Magnificent Seven , many terrible ; the wives ; the lovers — Judy Garland , Marilyn Monroe , Marlene Dietrich , Joan Crawford ( a businesslike woman in love as in other affairs , making their encounter ‘ among the least erotic half hours ’ in Brynner 's life ) ; and above all the role that he created and that in the end devoured him , the King of Siam .
3 Erm I will give a little bit of history of dates , and what things were altered and when in a bit .
4 And I mean I think women tend to be inv having to cope with things like school and er and health and you know they 're a at the grass roots if you like of you know at the receiving end of you know say cuts in in services like that and bus services and just quality of rural life and I mean the quality of life in Blaenau is depopulation and unemployment and you know and and in a sense there is lot of scope for women to break down the barriers of you know cos it is true that the the Councillors they 're supposed to represent the people or whatever tend to be quite well to do they 've done it thank you very much and then oh you know they 've got the time on their hands and they tend to be men and s school ex school teachers ex You know and they 're not having to cope with really situations that go will put them in touch with what it 's like not to have a bus service or not to have proper health care and this sort of thing you know .
5 She had placed Morndun the passing of a ghost into the unknown region — at the front , aware that she wished to travel and that in the realm she was the ghost , as was Wynne-Jones , and a part of Scathach .
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