Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [pron] [am/are] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All procedures for objective setting , planning , time keeping or whatever are agreed in the light of the task to be done and the situation .
2 This will help if , later on , you are unable to work or you are disabled as a result of the accident and claim Disablement Benefit .
3 and we looked on it more as a party and a family gathering and showing everybody else that we were now committed and we 're going to spend the rest of our lives together .
4 But we 're dealing with a devil we do n't know and we 're paying the devil more than his due .
5 This takes about six weeks — just as you 're about to hand in your notice , it suddenly clicks and they are doing it themselves without you having to say anything .
6 I came here to work and you are stopping me doing that . ’
7 Above all , is a fun place to work and I 'm looking forward to the challenges of the future .
8 There are men who have been in prison for ten years and more for claiming their liberty ; men who have slipped away to struggle overseas ; men who have escaped to Europe to carry on the fight there — they are hounded and they are imprisoned , but their views are heard .
9 They 're finding er as business becomes more competitive , targets are harder to meet and they 're finding they 're becoming more reluctant to stay out — to get away from the office , to take time off .
10 Maybe summat special is happening and they 're rushing to get there , cos they look real excited and busy and hurrying to get some place .
11 And all the way through the film these things were happening and you 're waiting for the thrilling resolution .
12 When one is young and brash — and I think I was brash — one is inclined to brush people aside because you know what you want and you are determined to get it , whereas when one has seen some of the problems of the world , I think one is probably more tolerant .
13 Whilst these notes repeat much of the material covered in the " Statements and Functions " section , additional information has been added and they are presented in a more readable order .
14 And I 'll just compare what each of you say and I 'm going to give you some information er researched by .
15 Now the one we are going to talk about first of all is the too little sugar where your person has been stabilized and they 're taking insulin injections .
16 But it can affect the way the rig interacts and I 'm pointing it out as it relates to all rack systems , not just those based upon a JMP-1 .
17 But if I gu an I am searched , dat is what I hate
18 She 's concussed and they 're keeping her in overnight .
19 The term ‘ poise ’ is difficult to define — it is the self-discipline that enables you to appear serenely dignified when your head is throbbing , your feet aching and you are confronted with an irate guest full of complaints .
20 ‘ I may be a bastard , Zack , but I 'm the only bastard in this whole damn mess you can trust and you 're going to have to trust me .
21 It does give them the opportunity to provide the facilities , and on top of that on top of classification we now have grading , where every aspect of that hotel 's operation is examined and inspected and they are giving erm the classification as well as the grading , which could be highly commended or commended , and to give you some idea , out of the hotels in this region , you know , very , very few so far have reached the highly commended accolade , and those that do are well worth it , you know .
22 Well the notes are grouped but you 're gon na add the .
23 I do n't know but I 'm getting pretty fed up with this .
24 ‘ I do n't know but you 're going to tell me . ’
25 Chairman Andrew Wassell , who has been asked by the Takeover Panel to clarify his comments to the Guardian on Wednesday about the level of acceptances , said : ‘ It is much too soon to know but I am encouraged by the efforts we are making in winning support for our bid . ’ .
26 Chairman Andrew Wassell , who has been asked by the Takeover Panel to clarify his comments to the Guardian on Wednesday about the level of acceptances , said : ‘ It is much too soon to know but I am encouraged by the efforts we are making in winning support for our bid . ’ .
27 And finally , erm again we 've been told that you either not remembering or you 're lying about the trousers .
28 We are angry at the way Labour is being presented and we are going to go for them . ’
29 you are allowed to drink and you are allowed to splash out and you are
30 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
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