Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [pron] [be] be " in BNC.

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1 She says ; At best they are exaggerated and they are being used to terrify people .
2 All charges against him have been dropped and he 's being allowed to leave the country .
3 A 50 mph speed limit has been imposed and it 's being rigorously enforced .
4 Mada Madam Speaker my honourable friend knows well that the purpose er of what has been said and what is being considered about air strikes er is to is is to bring about er the er cessation of the sort of bombardment that we have seen in Sarajevo and I think everybody will want to see that effort successfully er completed .
5 I need not have worried , however , for the plot was rapidly unfolding and we were being drawn into the action .
6 And in that figure I 've just given you we have allowed for extra provision in some cases like for the national curriculum in the education sector , additional spending for under fives and taking on board the requirements in Social Services for care in the community and the children 's bill , although those have been , of course — the care in the community proposals have now been delayed and they are being phased in over three years .
7 Both days were a great success and it was good to see so many people looking round the plant and seeing for themselves where our effort is going and what is being achieved . ’
8 Mr Ken Hipwood of Anglian Water said that the costs of dealing with the nitrate problem had been calculated but they were being kept secret . ’
9 ‘ Lucenzo — ’ Her hand was grabbed and she was being dragged along behind him as he shouldered his way through a group clustered around a hilarious puppet-show .
10 I mean he did n't say anything in particular , just the fact that , you know , we were just like walking along and just chatting away you know and he was being really nice and , you know , it was just fine .
11 There are those who have n't been found and they are being chased and more of them will be chased
12 is not a vehicle to which the Motor Vehicles ( Type Approval ) ( Great Britain ) Regulations 1979 applies but which is being driven from premises of the manufacturer by whom it was made , or of a distributor of vehicles or dealer in vehicles , to premises of a distributor of or dealer in vehicles of the purchasers of the vehicle , or to premises of a person obtaining possession of the vehicle under a hiring agreement or hire-purchase agreement .
13 A London Ambulance Service spokesman said : ‘ We are aware of the two cases where people died and they are being investigated to discover what happened . ’
14 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
15 ‘ Poverty is increasing and it 's being called dependency .
16 ‘ There are n't that many words to learn but they are are important ones , ’ said director Gabriel by way of encouragement .
17 And , I said and you 're being supported to stay here !
18 They 're on the ground for a week or two where they ca n't quite fly and they 're being weaned off their parents
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